June 11, 2013 at 5:30 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
A. Call to Order:
B. Hearing of Citizens:
C. Committee of the Whole:
C.1. Finance
C.1.a. Financial Reports
C.1.b. Check Register
C.1.c. Budgets to Date
C.1.d. Approve 2012-2013 Amended Budget
C.1.e. 2013-2014 Budget Hearing/Budget Adoption
C.1.e.1) National Healthcare Implementation
C.1.e.2) Non-Instructional Service Bids
C.1.f. Approve the Tax Rate Request - Form L4029
C.1.g. Approve the State Aid Note Borrowing Resolution
C.1.h. Lunch Price Increase
C.2. Facilities
C.2.a. Courtyard Discussion
C.3. Personnel
C.3.a. Administrator Contract Renewals
C.3.b. Appointments
C.3.b.1) Social Worker - Jasmine Washington
C.3.b.2) GSRP Teacher - Jessica Crupi
C.3.b.3) GSRP Assistant Teacher - Christine Todd
C.4. Curriculum
C.5. Policy
D. Other Business:
D.1. Construction Update
D.2. Athletic Conference Re-alignment
D.3. HS Report/Policy
E. Executive Session:
E.1. Negotiations
F. Adjournment: