April 10, 2012 at 5:30 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
A. Call to Order:
B. Hearing of Citizens:
C. Committee of the Whole:
C.1. Finance
C.1.a. Financial Reports
C.1.b. Check Register
C.1.c. Budgets
C.1.d. Auditor Recommendation 2011-2012
C.1.e. Bond Sale April 19th
C.1.f. 2012-2013 Budget Planning
C.1.f.1) Cost Savings Ideas
C.1.f.2) Staffing Levels
C.1.f.3) Technology Consortium
C.1.f.4) Custodial Services
C.2. Facilities
C.3. Personnel
C.3.a. Retirement
C.3.b. Probationary and Tenure Teachers
C.3.c. Appointment
C.3.c.1) Boys JV Basketball Coach - John Moffitt
C.4. Curriculum
C.4.a. Young 5s Discussion
C.5. Policy
C.5.a. Bullying Policy
C.5.b. Board Member Term Change
D. Other Business:
D.1. Bus Purchase Considerations
D.2. Field Trip Request (Options - Cedar Point)
D.3. Field Trip Request (8th Grade - Cedar Point)
E. Executive Session:
E.1. Negotiations
E.2. Land Acquisition
F. Adjournment: