February 14, 2019 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Student/ Teacher Recognition
II. Consent Agenda
II.1. Review/approve/disapprove the minutes from the January 10, 2019 Regular Meeting
II.2. Review Appraisal District Report and Post ISD Bank Balances
II.3. Review/approve/disapprove the Monthly Bills
II.4. Review/approve/disapprove substitute list
III. Reports
III.1. Campus Principals
III.2. Athletic Director
III.3. Special Services Director
III.4. Campus Police Officer
III.5. Assistant Superintendent
III.6. Superintendent
IV. Action Items
IV.1. Review/approve/disapprove Policy Update 112 as proposed by TASB Legal Services
IV.2. Discuss/approve/disapprove the sale of property: Lot 18 Block 2 of the Bingham addition to the town of Post
IV.3. Discuss/approve/disapprove additions/deletions to the Post ISD Tax Roll beginning December 1, 2018 and ending January 31, 2019.
IV.4. Discuss Lynn County Appraisal District Proposal: changing the way Directors are appointed
IV.5. Review/approve/disapprove the 2019- 2020 School Calendar
IV.6. Discuss/approve contract for a joint election with the City of Post for the election of two at- large School Board Trustee Positions to be held on May 4, 2019
IV.7. Discuss/approve/disapprove extending 12 month two year administration contracts for the 2020-2021 school year as follows: Assistant Superintendent, Campus Principals, Athletic Director
IV.8. Closed Meeting (TGC Section 551.071 Personnel)
IV.9. Discuss potential wind energy project with Lincoln Clean Energy
IV.10. Discuss/approve/disapprove moving the March 14th regular school board meeting to March 21st due to spring break
V. Adjournment