February 13, 2023 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
5.A. Consider All Matters related to Educational Leadership, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
5.A.1. Campus Improvement Plan MOY Updates (Elementary): Campus Improvement Plan MOY Updates for the 2022-2023 school year have been provided for review. Principals from A.V. Cato Elementary, Castleberry Elementary, and Joy James Academy of Leadership will provide the board with a presentation to update progress toward goals and performance objectives included in their CIPs.
5.B. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
5.B.1. ,2022-2023 District Improvement Plan HB3 Progress: Dr. Lacey Padgett, Executive Director of Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, and Dr. June Ritchlin, Executive Director of Educational Leadership, will present progress toward the 2022-2023 HB3 Goals.
"The board may retire to closed session at any time between opening and adjourning the meeting for the purpose of deliberating business authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et. Seq. Action, if any, will be taken in open session. Specifically: |
6.A. Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney
6.B. Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property (Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value)
6.C. Section 551.074 Personnel Matters (Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal, Complaint)
6.D. Section 551.0821 Personally Identifiable Information about Public School Student
8.A. Pledges of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
8.B. School Officials Present
8.C. Campus Recognition: Charles Gideon, Principal at Castleberry Elementary School, will introduce the students who will be recognizing how staff, students, and parents are Better Together at CE.
8.D. Recognition of Guests: Kathryn Walker, GT Instructional Coach and Vianey Lemus, Bilingual Coach, will recognize the 2022-2023 Spelling Bee Winners.
8.E. Jim Byrum, River Oaks Lions Club, will present the district with a Resolution by the Lions District 2E2 Governor for hosting the Lions Club District Competition Meeting at Irma Marsh Middle School on Saturday, January 21, 2023.
9.A. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
9.A.1. CISD Literacy Framework Presentation: The CISD Literacy Framework Leadership Team will present the finalized Literacy Framework as submitted to the Texas Education Agency.
9.A.2. STAAR/EOC New Question Types Presentation: Scott Hutchings, Secondary Math/Accountability Coordinator, will present the new tested item types on the STAAR/EOC assessments beginning the 2022-2023 school year.
9.A.3. CISD Gifted and Talented Handbook: Kathryn Walker, Gifted and Talented Instructional Coach, will present the CISD Gifted and Talented Handbook which aligns to the Texas State Plan under TEC 29.123 that provides guidance as we meet the unique needs of the gifted and talented population.
9.B. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
9.B.1. Campus and District Climate Surveys: Dr. Myrna Blanchard, Director of Talent Acquisition and Policy, will present the results of the climate surveys.
9.C. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
9.C.1. Budget Workshop Session One: Conducted for preliminary budget development. This is the first of four budget work sessions scheduled.
10.A. Consider Approval of Board Minutes from January 10, 2023, for a Regular Meeting and January 26, 2023, for a Special Board Meeting.
10.B. Consider Approval of furniture purchase (Phase II) from MooreCo., Inc. not to exceed $215,000.00 for the Gary S. Jones Administration Building. Funding Source: Capital Improvement Project & Child Nutrition.
11.A. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
11.A.1. Consider Approval of a Resolution of the Board Regarding Wage Payments during Emergency School Closings (No Premium Payment): Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools, has provided a recommendation to the Board of Education to approve a Resolution of the Board regarding Wage Payments during Emergency School Closings (No Premium Payment) due to inclement weather, Monday, January 30th through Friday, February 3rd.
11.A.2. Consider Approval of the Early Notice Incentive Program: Dr. Myrna Blanchard, Director of Talent Acquisition and Policy, has provided a recommendation to the Board of Education to approve continuing the Early Notice Incentive Program that incentivizes employees to notify the District of their retirement and or resignation in advance of the traditional May and June resignation period.
11.A.3. Consider Approval of Contract Renewals: Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools, will present a recommendation to the Board of Education to approve contract renewals for the Superintendent's Cabinet members.
11.B. Consider All Matters related to Educational Leadership, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
11.B.1. Consider Approval of Proposed 2023-2024 School Calendar: This calendar was developed and approved by the DEIC and received the majority vote by Castleberry ISD employees and parents.
12.A. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
12.A.1. Child Nutrition Food Trailer: Information regarding the purchase of a food trailer for district use.
12.A.2. Monthly Expenditure Report: The attached schedule lists all checks written for the month of January 2023.
12.A.3. Castleberry ISD schools receive a variety of donations each month. A list of donations for the months of December and January are attached.
12.A.4. Board Budget Report as of December 31, 2022. This report shows Revenue and Expenditures by Fund and Function.
12.A.5. Investment Report: The quarterly investment report ends December 31, 2022. This report shows District investment by fund for the quarter ending December 31, 2022.
12.A.6. Tarrant County Tax Collection Report for December 31, 2022 reflects the amount of current and delinquent taxes, penalties and interest collected for the month and year to date.
12.B. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
12.B.1. Spring Job Fair Recruiting: Dr. Myrna Blanchard, Director of Talent Acquisition and Policy, reports the CISD 2023 Spring Job Fair Recruiting summary and schedule.
12.B.2. Public Information Request: Dr. Myrna Blanchard, Director of Talent Acquisition and Policy, reports the Public Information Requests received and processed (12) by Castleberry ISD from October 2022- February 2023.
12.B.3. Job Description Review: Dr. Myrna Blanchard, Director of Talent Acquisition and Policy, reports a summary of the process and timeline for this spring's Job Description Review.
12.B.4. Employee Resignation Update: Dr. Myrna Blanchard, Director of Talent Acquisition and Policy, reports one professional resignation as of February 6, 2023.
12.B.5. Employee Agreement Approvals: Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools, reports no approved Employee Agreements for Professional Staff for the 2022-2023 school year as of February 6, 2023.
12.C. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
12.C.1. Executive Director of Teaching, Learning, and Innovation Report: Includes the Elementary and Secondary Science Report.
12.C.1.a. Elementary Science Report: The 2022-2023 Elementary Science Report includes program successes, improvement opportunities, and action items.
12.C.1.b. Secondary Science Report: The 2022-2023 Secondary Science Report includes program successes, improvement opportunities, and action items.
12.D. Consider All Matters related to Student Services/Capital Improvements Projects, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
12.D.1. Department of Athletics, Fall Program Evaluation: Includes a report on each of the Fall sports for the 2022-23 school year.
12.D.2. New Extracurricular Organizations for the Department of Athletics. Consider Approval of adding UIL soccer program (Grades 7-8) to Irma Marsh Middle School. Discussion Item: March 6, 2023; Action Item: April 10, 2023.
12.D.3. TEA/ TxSSC/ ESC 11 Safety Intruder Audit Report Findings (AV Cato Elementary School): This safety audit covers CISD safety & security findings of the Safety Intruder Audit.
12.D.4. TEA/ TxSSC/ ESC 11 Safety Intruder Audit Report Findings (Joy James Learning Academy): This safety audit covers CISD safety & security findings of the Safety Intruder Audit.
12.D.5. Racial Profiling Report: A state required report that includes data on all traffic or pedestrian stops. The data should include date violation, citation/ arrest, race/gender and if a search was conducted.
12.E. Consider All Matters related to Educational Leadership, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
12.F. BBB Local, Board of Education three-year terms
12.G. Eichelbaum Wardell, P.C. Update 12-15-22 and 2-1-23
12.H. School Board 2022-2023 Activity Calendar
12.I. 2023-2024 Budget Preparation Timeline
12.J. Board Policy
13.A. Board of Education Key Dates
13.B. School Board Travel
13.C. Moving Dinner to 5:00-6:00 / Meeting Begins at 6:00PM
13.D. Pandemic Plan/Action
14.A. Thursday, February 23, 2023, for a Special Board Meeting and Monday, March 6, 2023, for a Regular Board Meeting.