June 6, 2022 at 5:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
5.A. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
5.A.1. Robert A. Tijerina and/or Adrian Galvan of Tijerina, Galvan, Lawrence Financial Consulting (TGL) will present information regarding cash defeasance options for Castleberry ISD's outstanding bonds. Discussion item: July 18, 2022 and Action Item: August 15, 2022.
5.B. Consider All Matters related to Student Services/Capital Improvements Projects, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
5.B.1. CISD Camp Carter Baseball and Softball Renovation Update: Lenny Lasher will provide an update on the costs and construction adjustments of the CISD Camp Carter Baseball and Softball Renovation Project.
5.C. Consider All Matters related to Special Programs, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
5.C.1. Special Education TEA Audit Review: This presentation by Christi Patton will highlight the special education on-site TEA audit that took place May 10th - 13th.
5.D. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
5.D.1. STAAR Scores: A presentation on the preliminary STAAR Scores will be presented by Scott Hutchings.
5.D.2. Five-Year Curriculum Audit: A presentation will be given on the Five-Year Curriculum Audit Plan by Dr. Lacey Padgett, Executive Director of Teaching, Learning, and Innovation.
5.E. Consider All Matters related to Educational Leadership, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
5.E.1. Dr. June Ritchlin, Executive Director of Educational Leadership, will review the Draft CISD Grading Guidelines for the 2022-2023 school year. Guidelines were adjusted based on input from campus administrators, coordinators, and directors. Action Item: June 20, 2022
5.F. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
5.F.1. Board Policy Update: Dr. Myrna Blanchard and Dr. June Ritchlin will present recommended changes to FM(LOCAL), FDA(LOCAL), EIA(LOCAL), and EH (LOCAL) policy based on the updates in the Grading Guidelines Draft. Action Item: June 20, 2022
"The board may retire to closed session at any time between opening and adjourning the meeting for the purpose of deliberating business authorized by the Texas Open Meeting Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et. Seq. Action, if any, will be taken in open session. Specifically: |
6.A. Section 551.071 Consultation with Attorney
6.B. Section 551.072 Deliberation Regarding Real Property (Purchase, Exchange, Lease or Value)
6.C. Section 551.074 Personnel Matters (Appointment, Employment, Evaluation, Reassignment, Duties, Discipline, Dismissal, Complaint)
6.D. Section 551.0821 Personally Identifiable Information about Public School Student
8.A. Pledges of Allegiance to the American and Texas Flags
8.B. School Officials Present
8.C. Recognition of Multiplication Bee Winners: Whitney Harper, Elementary Math Coordinator, will recognize the 2021-2022 Multiplication Bee winners.
8.D. Recognition of HOSA Students: Stephanie Martinez, CTE Coordinator, will recognize the students who advanced to the state level for the HOSA Future Health Professionals competition.
8.E. Recognition of Fine Arts Students: Abby Crawford, Director of Fine Arts, will recognize students who advanced to the state level for VASE Visual Arts Scholastic Event and UIL Theatrical Design competition.
8.F. Teacher of the Year Presentation: Dr. Myrna Blanchard will present the Campus Teachers of the Year for 2021-2022.
9.A. Consider Approval of Board Minutes from May 2, 2022, for a Regular Meeting.
9.B. Consider Approval of the Skyward Annual License Fee for 2022-2023 in the amount of $70,748.00. The Skyward license fee covers the software used by the District for Student Records, Family Access, PEIMS, Finance, Human Resources and other programs.
9.C. Consider Approval of Academic/Educational Consultants: Financial Services advertised RFP#21-010 for academic/educational consultants and received four (4) responses. Administration recommends all four (4) consultants for academic/educational consulting. A list of recommended consultants is attached for your review.
9.D. Consider Approval of the Food Service Management Company. Financial Services advertised RFP#22-008 for Food Service Management. Three responses were received and opened on March 23, 2022. Administration recommends Sodexo as the Food Service Management Company.
9.E. Consider Approval of School Meal Prices: As required by the USDA/TDA and calculated with the USDA Paid Lunch Equity Tool paid lunch prices will increase by $.10 over the 2019-2020 cost. The lunch cost will be $2.50 for elementary and $2.80 for secondary schools and breakfast prices will remain free for both elementary and secondary schools.
9.F. Consider Approval of Contracting with Superior Pediatric Care for physical/occupational and other therapy services for Special Education students for the 2022-2023 school year.
9.G. Consider Approval of TASB, TASBO, TASA, University of North Texas, Government Treasurer Organization of Texas, Region XI Educational Service Center and Texas State University for Independent Sources of Instruction relating to Investment Responsibilities: Investment Officers are required to receive 8 hours of Investment Officer training every two years.
9.H. Consider Approval of the Annual Review of the Investment Policy of Castleberry Independent School District.
9.I. Consider Approval of the Broker Dealer List: In accordance with the 1997 Public Funds Investment Act, Texas Government Code 2256.025, the Board of Education must review, revise and adopt a list of qualified brokers and dealers on an annual basis.
9.J. Consider Approval of the TASB Risk Management Fund as the 2022-2023 District's Property and Casualty Insurance Carrier for a Total Premium of $310,930.00.
9.K. Consider Approval of the JJAEP Memorandum of Understanding: A Memorandum of Understanding with Tarrant County Juvenile Services is attached to provide services for students who are expelled from Castleberry ISD for the 2022-2023 academic year.
9.L. Consider Approval of the Replacement Plan (2022-23): Includes items that will be purchased through the Replacement Plan for the 2022-2023 school year.
9.M. Consider Approval of the Capital Improvements Projects Update (2022-23): The report reflects work scheduled to be completed and funds expended through the 2022-23 school year.
10.A. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
10.A.1. Board Policy Update: On June 18, 2015, the Board of Education approved policy DC (LOCAL) delegating the Superintendent final hiring authority for Chapter 21 employees from the months of June 16 to August 31 annually. Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools, will present a recommendation to the Board of Education to update board policy DC (LOCAL) to reflect that hiring authority will be changed to begin May 1 and end September 1 annually.
11.A. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
11.A.1. Consider Approval of the District of Innovation: Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools presents the District of Innovation Plan which has been reviewed and approved with a majority vote from DEIC.
11.A.2. Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 Professional Contract Renewals: Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools will present a recommendation to the Board of Education for approval of the Professional Contract Renewals for the 2022-2023 school year.
11.A.3. Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 Teacher, Librarian, and Nurse Contract Renewals: Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools will present a recommendation to the Board of Education for approval of the Teacher, Librarian, and Nurse Contract Renewals for the 2022-2023 school year.
11.A.4. Consider Approval of the Administrator Recommendation: Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools will present a recommendation to the Board of Education for approval of the Professional Contract for the Assistant Principal at TRUCE.
11.A.5. Consider Approval of the Instructional Coordinator and Instructional Coach Recommendations: Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools will present four recommendations to the Board of Education for approval of the Professional Contracts for the Instructional Coordinator and Instructional Coaches.
11.A.6. Consider Approval of the 2022-2023 Professional, Teacher, Librarian, and Nurse New Hire Contract Recommendations: Renee Smith-Faulkner, Superintendent of Schools will present a recommendation to the Board of Education for approval of eighteen New Hire Contract Recommendations for the 2022-2023 school year as of May 31, 2022.
11.A.7. Consider Approval of the Superintendent's recommendation to the Board of Education to update board policy DC (LOCAL) to reflect that hiring authority will be changed to begin May 1 and end September 1 annually.
11.B. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
11.B.1. Consider Approval of Missed School Day Waiver: MIS Department is seeking Board approval to submit a Missed School Day Waiver to TEA. The Missed School Day Waiver being submitted to TEA will allow the district to request February 24, 2022 as a missed school day due to inclement weather.
11.C. Consider All Matters related to Student Services/Capital Improvements Projects, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
11.C.1. Consider Approval of the purchase of one (1) International Corporation, Type C-54 Special Education passenger school bus from Long Horn Bus Sales in the amount of $121,065. Funding source: ESSER III funds.
11.C.2. Consider Approval of the purchase of one (1) International Corporation, Type C-77 passenger school bus from Long Horn Bus Sales in the amount of $114,924. Funding source: ESSER III funds.
11.C.3. Consider Approval of the HVAC Equipment (Replacement Plan) in the amount of $171,617. Funding source: ESSER III funds.
12.A. Consider All Matters related to Student Services/Capital Improvements Projects, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
12.A.1. School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) Recommendations Presentation: The presentation includes recommendations from the SHAC on the following topics: Human Sexuality Instruction, Health Education, Physical Education (recess included), Dating Violence, Suicide Prevention, and Human Trafficking. Action Item: June 20, 2022
12.B. Consider All Matters related to Educational Leadership, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
12.B.1. Presentation of the 2022-2023 Student Handbook and Code of Conduct Draft: Wes Jackson, Director of School and Student Support, will present the recommended changes and updates to the 2022-2023 Student Handbook and Code of Conduct. Action Item: June 20, 2022
13.A. Consider All Matters related to Educational Leadership, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
13.A.1. Fine Arts Report: The 2021-2022 Fine Arts report includes details about program successes, improvement opportunities, and action plans.
13.A.2. UIL Academic Report: The 2021-2022 UIL Academic Report includes details about program successes, improvement opportunities, and action plans.
13.B. Consider All Matters related to Special Programs, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
13.B.1. 2021-2022 Special Programs Annual Board Report: This report highlights 2021-2022 successes and growth areas of the Special Programs Department which includes dyslexia, MTSS, and special education.
13.C. Consider All Matters related to Teaching, Learning, and Innovation, including, but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
13.C.1. Elementary Humanities Report: The 2021-2022 Elementary Humanities Report includes program successes, improvement opportunities, and action items.
13.C.2. Secondary Language Arts Report: The 2021-2022 Secondary Language Arts Report includes program successes, improvement opportunities, and action items.
13.C.3. Elementary Mathematics Report: The 2021-2022 Elementary Mathematics Report includes program successes, improvement opportunities, and action items.
13.C.4. Secondary Mathematics Report: The 2021-2022 Secondary Mathematics Report includes program successes, improvement opportunities, and action items.
13.C.5. Social Studies Report: The 2021-2022 Social Studies Report includes program successes, improvement opportunities, and action items.
13.C.6. Professional Learning Report: A link to the professional learning website outlining the district's professional learning plan along with a list of opportunities is provided.
13.D. Consider All Matters related to Financial, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
13.D.1. Monthly Expenditure Report: The attached schedule lists all checks written for the month of May 2022.
13.D.2. TRS Active Care Rates for 2022-2023 are presented. The TRS Active Cate rates for 2022-2023. A premium comparison table of 2021-2022 and 2022-2023 is included for your review.
13.D.3. Child Nutrition Report: Includes information for ongoing programs implemented at various campuses including expanded collaboration with the CHS Culinary Arts Program and an increase in customer satisfaction with an improved catering program. Integrate the use of more fresh ingredients in the daily lunch choices for student meals. Continuation of "Limited Time Offers" at High School. Employee training and community outreach continues to be a goal for the Child Nutrition department.
13.D.4. Castleberry ISD Security Department received a donation of a ballistic shield. The donation was sent from the United States Deputy Sheriff's Association. An appreciation letter from the Assistant Superintendent of Student Services, Facilities and Operations is attached.
13.E. Consider All Matters Incident and/or related to Public Officers and Employees, including but not limited to, Contracts Resignations, Hiring, Assignments, Allocations, and Salaries.
13.E.1. Employee Resignation Update: Dr. Myrna Blanchard reports there are fifteen professional resignations as of May 31, 2022.
13.F. Consider All Matters related to Student Services/Capital Improvements Projects, including but not limited to reports, finances, and/or proposals.
13.F.1. Capital Improvements Projects Update (2021-22): The Projects Report reflects work scheduled to be completed and funds expended through the 2021-22 school year.
13.G. BBB Local, Board of Education three-year terms
13.H. Eichelbaum Wardell, P.C. Update 5-15-22
13.I. School Board 2021-2022 Activity Calendar
13.J. 2022-2023 Budget Preparation Timeline
13.K. Review Student Travel Approvals
13.L. Board Policy
14.A. Swearing in of the re-elected Board Members (Mary Lou Martinez, Place 5; Cathy Gatica, Place 6; and David Holder, Place 7)
15.A. Consider Approval of Reorganization of School Board Officers.
15.A.1. Motion to elect President
15.A.2. Motion to elect Vice President
15.A.3. Motion to elect Secretary
16.A. Board of Education Key Dates
16.B. Pandemic Plan/Action
17.A. Monday, June 20, 2022, for a Special Board Meeting and Monday, July 18, 2022, for a Regular Board Meeting