October 16, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approve and/or Amend Agenda
III. Recognition of Visitors
IV. Community Comments:
Community Comments is an opportunity for the public to address the school board on an item included in this agenda in accordance with the guidelines printed at the end of the agenda.
V. Administrative Reports:
V.a. Principal Boe
V.b. Principal Hanson
V.c. Superintendent Fenske
VI. Discussion Items:
VI.a. School District Credit Cards
VI.b. Annual Superintendent Evaluation
VII. Action Items:
VII.a. Approval of Consent Agenda
VII.a.1. Minutes of September 18, 2023 Regular Meeting
VII.a.2. Payment of Bills - Check #33366 - #33528
VII.a.3. Non-Certified Resignations
VII.a.4. Para-Professional Contracts for 2023-24
VII.a.5. Construction Change Orders:
VII.b. Approval of District's Assurance and Compliance with Federal Law Prohibiting Discrimination
VII.c. Approval of Motion Establishing Credit Authority and Credit Limits for New District Credit Card Account.
VIII. Set Next Regular Meeting Date (Monday, November 20, 2023 at 7:00 p.m.) - Adjourn Meeting