March 20, 2023 at 7:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Approve and/or Amend Agenda
III. Recognition of Visitors
IV. Community Comments:
Community Comments is an opportunity for the public to address the school board on an item included in this agenda in accordance with the guidelines printed at the end of the agenda.
V. Presentations:
V.a. Lakeview Preschool Program - Preschool Teaching Staff
V.b. Solar Project - Shane Gibson & Mark Peterson
VI. Administrative Reports:
VI.a. Principal Boe
VI.b. Principal Hanson
VI.c. Superintendent Fenske
VII. Discussion Items:
VII.a. Continuation of School Calendar
VII.a.1. Revised 2022-23 School Year Calendar
VII.a.2. 2023-24 School Year calendar
VII.b. Achievement and Integration Plan 2023-26
VII.c. First Reading of Revised Lakeview School District Policy #533 - Wellness
VII.d. Print Managed Services - Request for Proposals
VIII. Action Items:
VIII.a. Approval of Consent Agenda
VIII.a.1. Minutes of February 15, 2023 Regular Meeting
VIII.a.2. Payment of Bills - Check #32550 - #32667
VIII.a.3. Spring Extra-Curricular Contracts
VIII.a.4. Paraprofessional Resignation
VIII.a.5. Paraprofessional Contract
VIII.a.6. Contracts for Spring 2023 Classroom Addition Project:
VIII.a.6.a) Doom & Cuypers Construction, Inc. - Carpentry
VIII.a.6.b) High Performance Coatings, Inc. - Painting
VIII.a.6.c) Lake Country Mechanical, Inc. - Plumbing & HVAC
VIII.a.6.d) Marshall Machine Shop, Inc. - Steel Supply
VIII.a.6.e) Meier Electric, Inc. of Marshall - Electrical
VIII.a.6.f) Mid-State Tile Company, Inc. - Tilework
VIII.a.6.g) Musch Construction, Inc. - Cast-In-Place Concrete
VIII.a.6.h) Olympus Lockers & Storage Products - Lockers
VIII.a.6.i) R.A. Morton & Associations, LLC - Construction Management
VIII.a.6.j) Rickway Carpet, Inc. - Floor Covering
VIII.a.6.k) Southern Minnesota Woodcraft, Inc. - Woodwork
VIII.a.6.l) Sparky's Welding & Fabrication, LLC - Steel Erection
VIII.a.6.m) Builders Supply Company - Frames & Hardware
VIII.a.6.n) RTL Construction, Inc. - Gypsum
VIII.a.6.o) Schwickert's Tecta America, LLC - Roofing
VIII.a.7. Leave Request
VIII.a.8. Extra-Curricular Resignation
VIII.b. Approval of 2023-24 School Year Calendar
VIII.c. Approval of 2023-2026 Achievement and Integration Plan
VIII.d. Approval of 2023-24 Achievement and Integration Budget
VIII.e. Approval of Resolution to Increase Staffing and Positions for the 2023-24 School Year
VIII.f. Approval of Managed Print Services Vendor per District RFP
VIII.g. Approval of Revised 2022-23 School Year Calendar
VIII.h. Approval of Resolution Supporting Senate File Bill 2615 and House File Bill 2917
IX. Set Next Regular Meeting Date (Monday, April 17 at 7:00 p.m.) - Adjourn Meeting