April 10, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Approval of Agenda
2. Communications Reports
2.1. Administrative Reports
2.1.1. Elementary Report - Nagel
| Shannon Bakkila and Sara Fox will inform the board on the positive impact a certified comfort dog can provide a district.
2.1.2. Winter Activities Report - Courneya
2.1.3. Superintendent Report - Karger
2.2. Board Member Reports
2.2.1. Budget & Facilities Committee Meeting Report - Matejka, Trieglaff
2.2.2. Project Oversight Committee Update - Helmers
3. Citizen & Delegation Requests
3.1. Sophia Strand, Analise Olson, Leslie Moore, Lillian Adams and Hailee Olson have submitted requests to address the School Board concerning the future of the Girls Basketball program.
3.2. Janice Trieglaff, Tim Trieglaff, Jon Olson, Heather Olson, Chad Sonnenberg, Michelle Sonnenberg have submitted a request to address the School Board concerning the non-renewal of Trey Heinsius' contract.
4. Consider Consent Agenda Items
4.1. Adoption of Minutes from March 13, 2023, Regular Schol Board Meeting
4.2. Treasurer's Report
4.3. Check Summary
4.4. Personnel
4.4.1. Approval of Hiring the Positive Community Norms (PCN) Grant Coordinator
4.4.2. Approval of Hiring a High School Principal
4.4.3. Approval of Hiring a Junior High Softball Coach
4.4.4. Approval of Hiring a Junior High Softball Coach
4.4.5. Approval of Hiring a Homebound Instructor
4.4.6. Approval of the Retirement of a Paraprofessional
4.4.7. Approval of the Retirement of a Custodian
4.4.8. Approval of the Resignation of the High School Administrative Assistant I
4.4.9. Approval of the Resignation of a Special Education EBD Teacher
4.4.10. Approval of a Leave Request
4.4.11. Approval of a Leave Request
4.4.12. Approval of a Leave Request
4.4.13. Approval of the Request for an Extended Leave of Absence per MN Statute 122A.46
4.5. Other
4.5.1. Approval of the 7-8th Grade Course Registration Guide for 2023-2024
4.5.2. Approval of the 9th Grade Course Registration Guide for 2023-2024
4.5.3. Approval of the 10-12th Grade Course Registration Guide for 2023-2024
4.5.4. Approval of the Memorandum of Agreement for Online College in the High School for the 2023-2024 School Year
4.5.5. Approval of Adult Pricing for the Summer Food Service Program
4.5.6. Approval of the Fire Protection Service Agreement with NOVA Fire Protection, Inc. for the Elementary
4.5.7. Approval of School District Enrollment Options Program Applications
5. Hornet Pride
6. Consider Business Items (Action Required)
6.1. Designation of Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for the MDE External User Access
6.2. Approval of the Agreement for Actuarial Services with Hildi, Inc. for July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2025
6.3. Approval of the Addendum Contract for Arbitrage Monitoring Services
6.4. Approval of Continuing Contracts for Licensed Staff
6.5. Approval of a Resolution Nonrenewing Six Probationary Teachers: Kari Dahlgren, Chad Heimer, Trey Heinsius, Amy Malikowski, Judy Rue, Roger Thorp,
6.6. Approval of the Recommendation to Place the Atlantic Jig Borer on the Open Market for Auction
6.7. Approval of the Recommendation to Increase the Staff Supply Budgets by 15% for FY24
6.8. Approval of the Capital Outlay Plan for FY24
6.9. Approval of the Revised Budget FY23
7. Meetings/Workshops
7.1. Regular School Board Meeting, Monday, May 8, 2023 at 6:00 p.m., High School Media Center