February 10, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
1.1. Pledge of Allegiance
1.2. Approval of Agenda
2. Communications Reports
2.1. Administrative Reports
2.1.1. Superintendent Report - Karger
2.2. Board Member Reports
2.2.1. 2020 MSBA Leadership Conference - Nunn, Matejka, Shipman, Antonsen
2.2.2. Budget & Facilities Committee - Jepson, Matejka, Helmers
3. Citizen & Delegation Requests
4. Consider Consent Agenda Items
4.1. Adoption of Minutes - Regular/Organizational Meeting January 13, 2020
4.2. Treasurer's Report
4.3. Check Summary
4.4. Personnel
4.4.1. Approval of the Resignation of a Latch Key Aide
4.4.2. Approval of the Resignation of a Latch Key Aide
4.4.3. Approval of Hiring a Special Education Paraprofessional
4.4.4. Approval of a Leave Request
4.4.5. Approval of a Leave Request
4.4.6. Approval of a Leave Request
4.4.7. Approval of a Leave Request
4.4.8. Approval of a Lane Change Requests
4.5. Other
4.5.1. Approval of the Becker County Children's Initiative (BCCI) Joint Powers Agreement
4.5.2. Approval of the Addendum to the Employee Handbook
4.5.3. Approval of the Addendum to the Student/Parent Handbook
4.5.4. Approval of School District Enrollment Options Program Applications
5. Hornet Pride
5.1. Donations
6. Consider Business Items (Action Required)
6.1. Approval of the Achievement and Integration Revenue FY 2021 Budget
6.2. Approval for Superintendent Terry Karger to Authorize Change Orders up to $20,000 for the Elementary School Improvement Project
6.3. Approval of Amendment #2 to Original Planning Contract for Additional Planning Services
6.4. Approval of the Amendment (#001) to the Professional Services Agreement with ICS, Inc. for Additional Services
6.5. Approval of the Amendment (#002) to the Professional Services Agreement with ICS, Inc. for Additional Services
6.6. Approval of the 2019-2020 Budget Revision
7. Meetings/Workshops
7.1. Work Session/Site Visits on Wednesday, February 12, 2020, 5:45 p.m. departing from the HS Back Parking Lot with Site Visits to Pelican Rapids and Perham
7.2. Regular School Board Meeting, Monday, March 9, 2020, 6:00 p.m., District Conference Room #331