July 10, 2012 at 7:00 AM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order by the School Board Chairperson
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Citizen & Delegation Requests
4. Adoption of the Agenda
5. Consider Consent Agenda
5.1. Adoption of the Minutes - June 12, 2012
5.2. Treasurer's Report
5.3. Check Summary
5.4. Personnel
5.4.1. Approval of Resignation of Special Education Paraprofessional
5.4.2. Approval of Resignation of Special Education Teacher - Elementary
5.4.3. Approval of Hiring a Food Service Manager
5.4.4. Approval of Hiring a Building Engineer - Maintenance Position
5.4.5. Approval of Hiring a .5 Music Teacher - Elementary
5.5. Other:
5.5.1. Authorize the Superintendent to Advertise for Milk and Bread Bids for the 2012-2013 School Year.
5.5.2. Approval of 2012-2013 Stellher Human Services, Inc. Service Agreement
5.5.3. Approval of 2012-2013 LINKS Library Rental Agreement
5.5.4. Approval of 2012-2013 Frazee Community Thrift Store Lease Agreement
5.5.5. Approval of 2012-2013 Lakes Country Service Cooperative Membership
5.5.6. Approval of Minnesota School Board Association Membership Renewal
5.5.7. Approval of Policy Committee Recommendation Regarding the Procedure for State Tournament and School Cancelation
5.5.8. Approval of School District Enrollment Options Program Applications
6. Communications Reports
6.1. Buildings & Grounds
6.1.1. Facility Report - Superintendent Cheney
6.2. Administrative:
6.2.1. Mrs. Thorp, Director of Community Education
6.2.2. Dr. Cheney, Superintendent
6.3. School Board
6.3.1. Building and Grounds Committee Meeting Report
7. Discussion Items - No Action Required
7.1. Review the Weight/Fitness Planned Upgrades and Additional Space Needs
8. Consider Business Items - Action Required
8.1. Approval of the 2012-2017 MAHUBE Building Space Lease Agreement
8.2. Approval of Property and Liability Insurance and Workman's Compensation for 2012-2013
8.3. Direct District Administration to begin the process of preparing all legal resolutions and documents necessary to seek a $700 per pupil unit operating referendum
to be placed on the November 2012 Ballot. The formal resolution and related documents will be an action item on the August 14th School Board Meeting Agenda. (suggested motion included in background information)
8.4. Approval of Ehlers & Associates, Inc. as Referendum Consultant
8.5. Approval of Second and Final Reading of the New Policy 807 Health and Safety
8.6. Approval of Second and Final Reading of the Legislative Policy Revisions
8.6.1. 202 School Board
8.6.2. 206 Public Participation in Meetings
8.6.3. 301 School District Administration
8.6.4. 302 Superintendent
8.6.5. 515 Pupil Records
8.6.6. 530 Immunization Requirements
8.6.7. 604 Instructional Curriculum
8.6.8. 613 Graduation Requirements
8.6.9. 615 Testing Accommodations, Modifications & Exemptions
8.6.10. 618 Assessment of Student Achievement
8.6.11. 701 School District Budget
8.6.12. 707 Transportation of Public School Students
8.6.13. 805 Waste Reduction and Recycling
8.6.14. 806 Crisis Management
8.6.15. 524 Internet Acceptable Use and Safety
8.6.16. 611 Home Schooling
8.7. Approval of Second and Final Reading of Non-substantial Policy Changes
8.7.1. 101 Legal Status of the School District
8.7.2. 205 Open Meetings and Closed Meetings
8.7.3. 306 Administrator Code of Ethics
8.7.4. 404 Employment Background Checks
8.7.5. 413 Harrassment and Violence
8.7.6. 414 Mandated Reporting
8.7.7. 504 Student Dress and Appearance
8.7.8. 505 Distribution of Nonschool Materials at School by Students and Employees
8.7.9. 518 DNR-DNI Orders
8.7.10. 521 Student Disability Nondiscrimination
8.7.11. 532 Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Team to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds
8.7.12. 533 Wellness
8.7.13. 602 Organization of School Calendar and School Day
8.7.14. 603 Curriculum Development
8.7.15. 609 Religion
8.7.16. 614 School District Testing Plan and Procedure
8.7.17. 616 System Accountability
8.7.18. 617 Ensurance of Standards
8.7.19. 619 Staff Development for Standards
8.7.20. 620 Credit for Learning
8.7.21. 623 Mandatory Summer School Instruction
8.7.22. 624 Online Learning Options
8.7.23. 904 Distribution of Materials on School District Property by Nonschool Persons
9. Approval of Evaluation of the Superintendent - Closed Session as per MN Statute 13D.05
10. Approval to Re-Open Public Meeting
10.1. Summarize Conclusions Regarding the Evaluation of the Superintendent
11. Meetings/Workshops
11.1. IPAD Workshop at Minnetonka High School, Minnetonka, MN, Wednesday, July 18, 2012
11.2. Regular School Board Meeting, Tuesday, August 14, 2012, 7:00 a.m., High School Media Center
12. Adjournment of Meeting