July 12, 2011 at 7:00 AM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order by the School Board Chairperson
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Citizen & Delegation Requests
3.1. Kari Dahlgren
4. Adoption of the Agenda
5. Consider Consent Agenda
5.1. Adoption of the Minutes – June 27, 2011 Special School Board Meeting and July 5, 2011 Superintendent Search Committee
5.2. Personnel Actions:
5.2.1. Approval of Resignation of Summer Help (S. Stender)
5.2.2. Approval of Resignation of Office Manager (Amie Erickson)
5.2.3. Approval of Hiring IT Director
5.3. Other:
5.3.1. Approval of School District Enrollment Options Program Applications
5.3.2. Approval of Contract for Actuarial Services
6. Communications Reports
7. Discussion Items- No Action Required
7.1. Negotiations Update
8. Consider Business Items - Action Required
8.1. Certification of Attachment 10 Health & Safety Performance Criteria
8.2. Approval of Elementary Boiler Bids
8.3. Superintendent Option
9. Meetings/Workshops
9.1. MSBA Summer Seminar, August 8, Brooklyn Park
9.2. MSBA Phase I and II Training, August 9, Brooklyn Park
9.3. Regular School Board Meeting, August 9, 7:00 a.m., High School Media Center
9.4. Policy Committee Meeting, TBD
9.5. Negotiations Committee Meeting, TBD
10. Adjournment of Meeting