July 25, 2017 at 4:00 PM - Facilities Committee Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call Meeting to Order
II. Interlocal Agreement for Fiber Optic Cable Conduit-Laurie Vondersaar-GISD
II.A. City of Garland Request for Fiber Optic Cable Conduit Access and Use
III. Gilbreath/Reed Career and Technical Center-Mida Milligan-GISD
III.A. Exterior Signage
IV. Facilities Schedule-Joel Falcon
IV.A. Update on CIP Projects
IV.B. Williams Stadium
IV.C. Window Replacement at Pathfinder Achievement Center (PAC)
V. Presentation on Bid Package 3.10-Ranae Fuhrmann-Stantec
V.A. Architects will make a presentation on BP 3.10
VI. Status Update-Douglas Armstrong-Jacobs
VI.A. For Board Consideration at the July 25, 2017 Board Meeting: Consider Approval of the Recommended Contractor for the Multi-Campus Renovations Hickman ES, Spring Creek ES, Shugart ES (2014 Bond Program)
VI.B. Update Bid Package 2.9
VI.C. Update on Garland High School
VII. Adjournment