April 11, 2017 at 6:00 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
II. Pledges of Allegiance
III. Information Item
III.A. Evidence of Excellence
III.A.1. Recognize Garland Area Alliance of Black School Educators for Winning Affiliate of the Year Award
III.A.2. Recognize Garland ISD's Livestock Show and Plant Sale Title Winners
III.B. Recognize Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Award Recipient David Sanders
III.C. Recognize Going the Extra Mile (GEM) Award Recipient Crystal Okeche
III.D. Introduce New District Administrators
III.E. Receive Ready 1:1 Middle School Initiative
III.F. Receive Gilbreath-Reed Career and Technical Center Update
III.G. Receive 2016-17 Measures of Academic Progress (MAP) Middle-of-Year (MOY) Performance Update
III.H. Review February and March 2017 Tax Reports
IV. Public Forum: The Board will now hear those who wish to make comments and who have completed and returned the Public Comment Participation Request. This section will be conducted in accordance with the Texas Open Meetings Act and Board Policy. Speakers must limit comments to issues that can be presented in a public forum. Complaints about student discipline, specific student issues or personnel must be addressed through appropriate administrative channels.
V. Discussion Items for Consent Agenda
V.A. Review Budget Transfers and Amendments to the 2016-2017 Adopted Budget
V.B. New Bids
V.B.1. Consider Purchase of Commodity Processing
V.C. Renewal Bids
V.C.1. Consider Purchase of Temporary Personnel Services
V.C.2. Consider Purchase of Chartered Transportation Services
V.C.3. Consider Purchase of Ink and Toner Cartridges
V.C.4. Consider Purchase of Fine Arts Apparel, Merchandise and Accessories
V.C.5. Consider Purchase of Promotional Marketing Materials, Catalog
V.C.6. Consider Purchase of Lamps, Bulbs, Ballasts & Fuses (Warehoused)
V.C.7. Consider Purchase of Authors and Presenters
V.C.8. Consider Purchase of Audit Services
V.C.9. Consider Purchase of STEMscopes Subscriptions
V.C.10. Consider Purchase of Test and Balance Services
VI. Discussion Items
VI.A. Trustees' Report
VI.A.1. Trustee attendance at recent district and community events
VI.A.2. Announcement of upcoming district and community events
VI.A.3. Recognition of outstanding performance by district staff and students
VI.A.4. Recognition of new programs and special activities
VI.B. Discuss future agenda items
VI.C. Discuss Update 107 Local Policies (First Read)
VII. Action Items
VII.A. Consider approval to authorize the Interim Superintendent or designee to negotiate and enter an agreement to accept a donation of land; and conduct reasonable and necessary due diligence related to the land donation
VII.B. Consider Approval of a Resolution Designating Investment Officers for the District
VII.C. Consider Approval of GISD's District of Innovation (DoI) Plan
VII.D. New Bids
VII.D.1. Consider Approval of the Recommended Contractor for Multi-Campus Roof Replacement
VIII. Executive Session: Executive session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.
VIII.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071, private consultation with the Board’s attorney, in person or by phone, when the Board seeks the advice of its attorney about: 1) pending or contemplated litigation; 2) a settlement offer; or 3) on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with this chapter;
Pursuant to Section 551.073 of the Texas Government Code, deliberation regarding a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation to the state or the governmental body if deliberation in an open meeting would have a detrimental effect on the position of the governmental body in negotiations with a third person; and Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, deliberation regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee: |
VIII.A.1. Consultation and deliberation regarding the Superintendent search process;
VIII.A.2. Consultation and deliberation regarding the employment of a new Superintendent of Schools;
VIII.A.3. Consideration and deliberation regarding administrative appointments;
VIII.A.4. Consideration and deliberation regarding the extension of the Interim Superintendent's Contract; and
VIII.A.5. Consultation and Deliberation regarding a negotiated contract for a prospective gift or donation.
IX. Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session
IX.A. Action Items (Non Consent)
IX.A.1. Consideration and possible action regarding the selection of an executive search consulting firm;
IX.A.2. Consideration and possible action regarding the employment of a new Superintendent of Schools;
IX.A.3. Consideration and possible action regarding administrative appointments;
IX.A.4. Consideration and possible action regarding the extension of the Interim Superintendent's Contract; and
IX.A.5. Consideration and possible action regarding a prospective gift or donation.
X. Adjournment