December 17, 2009 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
II. Pledges of Allegiance
III. Information Items
III.A. Recognize winners of Holiday Greeting Card Contest
III.B. Recognize winners of Garland Christmas Association Canned Food Drive
III.C. Review November 2009 Tax Report
IV. Public Forum
V. Discussion Items
V.A. Review revision to Local Board Policies on first reading
V.B. Review deletion of Board Policy FFAD (Local) on first reading
V.C. Review Board Meeting Schedule
V.D. Review Calendar
VI. Consent Agenda - Consider approval of
VI.A. Minutes of Board Meeting(s)
VI.B. Budget transfers and amendments to the 2009-10 adopted budget
VI.C. Tax refunds
VI.D. New Bids
VI.D.1. Band, cheerleading, dance and drill team merchandise
VI.D.2. TeacherInsight Program
VI.D.3. Oracle reporting solution
VI.D.4. Bilingual curriculum development
VI.E. Renewal Bids
VI.E.1. Classroom furniture-catalog (second year option)
VI.E.2. General trades, maintenance merchandise, equipment and supplies (second year option)
VI.E.3. HVAC equipment and supplies (third year option)
VI.E.4. General trades, transportation merchandise, equipment and supplies (second year option)
VI.E.5. General trades, career and technology merchandise, equipment and supplies (second year option)
VI.E.6. Playground survey, inspection, design, equipment and installation (second year option)
VI.F. Increase in Award
VI.F.1. Professional parking services and event staffing (Special Events Center)
VI.G. Changes to transportation routes
VI.H. Course offerings for 2010-2011
VI.I. Central Textbook Committee for 2009-2010
VI.J. Shared service agreement with Dallas Regional Day School Program for the Deaf
VII. Executive Session: Executive session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.
VII.A. Consider Board approval of personnel matters as recommended by the Administration (Tex. Govt. Code Sec. 551.074: Deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline, or dismissal of an elected officer or employee)
VII.B. Consider the recommendation and record of the Independent Hearing Examiner in the matter of the termination of the term contract of Charles Freeman, including oral argument from the parties. (Tex. Govt. Code Sec. 551.074: Deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline, or dismissal of an elected officer or employee)
VII.C. Consider action on Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract (Tex. Govt. Code Sec. 551.074: Deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline, or dismissal of an elected officer or employee)
VIII. Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session
VIII.A. Consider approval of personnel matters
VIII.B. Announce decision of the Board of Trustees concerning the recommendation of the Independent Hearing Officer in the matter of the termination of the term contract of Charles Freeman.
VIII.C. Consider action on Superintendent's Evaluation and Contract
IX. Adjournment