September 4, 2008 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
II. Pledges of Allegiance
III. Public Forum
IV. Information Items
IV.A. Present Evidence of Excellence Award(s)
IV.B. Hear update on 2007-2008 Completed Campus Improvement Plans
IV.C. Receive Cooperative Purchasing Report
IV.D. Hear information on student enrollment figures
V. Discussion Items
V.A. Review calendar events
V.B. Discuss future agenda items
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Consider approval of minutes of Board Meeting(s)
VI.B. Bids
VI.B.1. New Bids
VI.B.1.a. Consider purchase of Apple equipment, software and peripherals
VI.B.1.b. Consider purchase of instructional materials and equipment, catalog
VI.B.1.c. Consider purchase of musical instruments, supplies and repairs
VI.B.1.d. Consider purchase of Special Events Center On-Premises Catering Services
VI.B.1.e. Consider purchase of internet and telecommunications infrastructure services
VI.B.2. Renewal Bids
VI.B.2.a. Consider purchase of electricity (third year option)
VI.B.2.b. Consider purchase of Bilingual Education instructional materials, supplies and equipment catalog (third year option)
VI.B.2.c. Consider purchase of asphalt subgrade and sealcoat (third year option)
VI.B.2.d. Consider purchase of technology wiring for moves, adds and changes (third year option)
VI.B.2.e. Consider purchase of office furniture catalog (second year option)
VI.B.3. Increase in Contract
VI.B.3.a. Consider purchase of classroom furniture (increase in contract)
VI.B.3.b. Consider purchase of audio/visual equipment, supplies and miscellaneous items (increase in contract)
VI.B.3.c. Consider purchase of On-Line Instruction Courseware (increase in contract)
VII. Executive Session: Executive session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.
VII.A. Consider Board approval of personnel matters as recommended by the Administration, including the appointment of assistant principals (Tex. Govt. Code Sec. 551.074: Deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline, or dismissal of an elected officer or employee)
VII.B. Consult with attorney regarding United States v. Garland ISD (Tex. Govt. Code Sec. 551.071: Discussing pending/contemplated litigation, settlement offer, or matters concerning privileged and unprivileged client information deemed confidential by Rule 1.05 of the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct)
VIII. Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session
IX. Adjournment