June 21, 2007 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
II. Pledges of Allegiance
III. Action Items
III.A. Consider approval of minutes from Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees held on Thursday, June 7, 2007
III.B. Consider approval of a resolution commending the GHS Lady Owls Softball Team for winning the State Championship
III.C. Consider approval of salary schedules for the 2007-2008 school year
III.D. Consider Board approval of the independently audited Financial Statements for Fiscal Year 2006
III.E. Consider Board approval to join the Fort Worth Consortium for Procurement Cards
III.F. Consider approval of budget amendments requiring the transfer of appropriations between function codes and the appropriation of additional monies into the 2006-2007 budget
III.G. Bids
III.G.1. Consider Purchase of Bermuda Sod and Installation Service
III.G.2. Consider Purchase of Chartered Transportation Services (Second Year Option)
III.G.3. Consider Purchase of Electricity Service (Second Year Option)
III.G.4. Consider Purchase of Print Shop Paper
III.G.5. Consider Purchase of File Cabinets (Second Year Option)
III.G.6. Consider Purchase of Repairs to Centrifugal Chillers (Increase in Contract)
III.G.7. Consider Purchase of Centralized Library/Textbook Management System
III.G.8. Consider Purchase of TAKS Exam Preparation Materials
III.G.9. Consider Purchase of Promotional Marketing Materials
III.G.10. Consider Purchase of Foyer Roof Replacement Service at LCHS
III.G.11. Consider Purchase of Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) – Classroom Walk-through (CWT) 2.0 Licenses
III.G.12. Consider Purchase of Digital Copiers and Duplicators (Fourth Year Option)
III.G.13. Consider Purchase of Accounts Payable Review (Fourth Year Option)
III.G.14. Consider Purchase of HVAC Equipment and Supplies (Third Year Option)
III.G.15. Consider Purchase of Mowing Undeveloped Areas (Third Year Option)
III.G.16. Consider Purchase of Library Books (Third Year Option)
III.G.17. Consider Purchase of Instructional Video and Audio Books (Third Year Option)
III.G.18. Consider bids for purchase of UPS Power Conditioners
III.G.19. Consider bids for purchase of Forklift and Hand Truck
III.H. Consider approval of participation in Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement for Medicaid Administrative Claim Program
III.I. Consider offer received for property and approval of quit claim deed
III.J. Consider approval of Escrow Agreement with Rosemeade Equity Partners, LP. and Chicago Title Insurance Company
III.K. Consider approval of a Resolution for the delivery method for the expansion of an existing detention basin at the Special Events Center
III.L. Consider revision for the 2007-2008 Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct
III.M. Consider offer received for property and approval of quit claim deed
IV. Discussion Items
IV.A. Review summer Board Meeting schedule
IV.B. Review Board Committee and Board Organization appointments for clarification, additions, and deletions
IV.C. Submit agenda items to be placed on the agenda
IV.D. Consider revisions to Board Policy CH (LOCAL) Purchasing and Acquisition
V. Information Items
V.A. Recognize GISD Teacher of the Year
V.B. Receive update on Curriculum Audit
V.C. Presentation of classroom technology integration using Qwizdom
V.D. Receive update on 2007-2008 Budget process
VI. Public Forum
VII. Executive Session: Executive session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Open Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.
VII.A. Consider Board approval of personnel matters as recommended by the Administration, including the appointment of coordinators, principals, assistant principals, and other administrators (Tex. Govt. Code Sec. 551.074: Deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline, or dismissal of an elected officer or employee)
VIII. Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session
IX. Adjournment