May 17, 2007 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Determination of a Quorum
II. Pledges of Allegiance
III. Action Items
III.A. Consider approval of the minutes from Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees held on May 3, 2007
III.B. Consider approval of a resolution commending school nurses in recognition of National School Nurse Appreciation Day
III.C. Bids
III.C.1. Consider bids for purchase of small food service equipment (second year option)
III.C.2. Consider bids for purchase of large food service equipment (second year option)
III.D. Consider approval of investment report
III.E. Consider approval of renewal of automobile fleet insurance program with the Texas Association of School Boards (TASB)
III.F. Consider approval of custodial bid
III.G. Consider approval of bids for stage flooring at Lakeview Centennial High School and Rowlett High School
III.H. Consider approval of Health Plan Administration
III.I. Consider appointment of Trustee to TASB Board of Directors
IV. Discussion Items
IV.A. Consider revisions for the 2007-2008 Management Plan and Student Code of Conduct
V. Information Items
V.A. Recognize the recipient(s) of the Robert B. Sewell Award
V.B. Recognize the recipient of the 2007 Jan Burleson Scholarship
VI. Public Forum
VII. Executive Session: Executive session will be held for purposes permitted by Texas Opening Meetings Act, Texas Government Code Section 551.001 et seq.
VII.A. Consider Board approval of personnel matters as recommended by the Administration, including the appointment of principals (Tex. Govt. Code Sec. 551.074: Deliberating the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment duties, discipline, or dismissal of an elected officer or employee)
VIII. Reconvene from Executive Session for action relative to items considered during Executive Session
IX. Adjournment