December 12, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
Russ Garner
2. Board Recognition
Steve Stanford
3. Public Comment/Audience Participation
Russ Garner
4. Board President's Comments
Russ Garner
5. Superintendent Reports and Board Information
5.A. 2021 and 2023 Bond Update
Malcolm Mulroney
5.B. 2024-2025 Academic Calendar Proposal - Options A&C
Stacy Wilkie
Academic Success/Instruction
Background: Each year, the academic calendar is developed using guidance from the state as well as feedback from the District Educational Improvement Council (DEIC), staff, and stakeholders. Based on feedback from the originally proposed options, administration presents to the Board Academic Calendars A and C for consideration.
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Consider/Approve Personnel Report
Bobbi Supak
6.B. Consider/Approve Board Meeting Minutes
6.C. Consider/Approve Financial Statement and Expenditures
Glenn Graham
6.D. Consider/Approve Monthly Tax Office Report
Glenn Graham
6.E. Consider/Approve Third Party Administrator RFP 24-07
Bobbi Supak
Employee Recruitment/Retention
Background: The District enters into an agreement with a Third Party Benefits Administrator (TPA) to administer employee enrollment in medical, dental, and supplemental insurance annually. The TPA enrolls employees in the district selected medical and dental plans and the TPA earns commission off the TPA selected supplemental insurance plans (accident, 403B, life, etc.). US Employee Benefits Services Group has been the district’s TPA since 2004 and the was most recently selected through the RFP process in 2018. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the US Employee Benefits Services Group as the Third Party Benefits Administrator as presented.
6.F. Consider/Approve Modified Schedule/State Assessment Testing Days Waiver and Teacher Data Portal Waiver
Krista Moffatt/Courtney Witherell
Description: Academic Success/Instruction
Background: The Modified Schedule/State Assessment Testing Days Waiver permits the district to modify the schedule of classes for students who are not being tested; allowing students to report to and attend school after the state assessment testing session has ended. The Teacher Data Portal Waiver allows districts to provide teachers access to student assessment data through a local student data system in place of the state-provided assessment data portal. Comal ISD currently uses Eduphoria Aware as our local student data system. Recommendation: Due to the upcoming expiration of the currently approved Modified Schedule/State Assessment Testing Days Waiver and the Teacher Data Portal Waiver, it is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve filing a request to renew the waivers for the next three-year cycle as presented.
6.G. Consider/Approve the SHAC Recommendation for Curriculum Expansion Pertaining to HB 1525
Kelli Brooks / Karen Luna Rodriguez, SHAC Chair
Safety and Student Support
Background: In December 2022, the Board approved the Comal ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) recommendation to adopt the 6th grade update and implementation of Living Well Aware curriculum pertaining to HB1525 (Human Sexuality Instruction). Comal ISD SHAC is providing the Board of Trustees a recommendation regarding the expansion of Living Well Aware Curriculum Update to 7th and 8th Grade. The SHAC held two public meetings reviewing curriculum from September 6th to November 29th. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the SHAC recommendations as presented.
7. Items for Discussion and/or Action
7.A. Items Removed from Consent
7.B. Consideration and Possible Approval of Bulverde Middle School Attendance Boundaries
Steve Stanford / Malcolm Mulroney
Facilities/Growth and Planning
Background: The administration will present to the Board the attendance boundary recommendation for BMS. This recommendation has been developed over the course of four meetings during which the committee worked collaboratively to develop boundary maps that meet the committee’s objectives of providing relief to PRMS, effectively utilizing BMS and setting the high school feeder pattern. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Bulverde Middle School attendance boundaries, as well as resulting changes to the Smithson Valley High School attendance boundary as presented.
7.C. Consider/Approve the Designation of Non-Business Days for Purposes of Public Information Act Calendar
Steve Stanford
Parent and Community Engagement
Background: Under current law, a governmental body that receives a public information request must respond to the request within 10 business days. House Bill 3033 from the last legislative session redefines a business day to mean a day other than a Saturday or Sunday, a national holiday, or a state holiday. A governmental body may designate a day on which its administrative offices are closed or operating with minimum staffing as a nonbusiness day. The designation of a nonbusiness day for an independent school district must be made by the Board of Trustees and may designate not more than 10 nonbusiness days each calendar year. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the designation of nonbusiness days for the purpose of the Public Information Act as presented.
8. Closed Session
8.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections §551.074 for the purpose of considering the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer, employee, or to hear complaints or charges against a public officer or employee
9. Adjournment
Russ Garner