August 24, 2023 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Board Recognition
Steve Stanford
3. Public Comment/Audience Participation
Russ Garner
4. Board President's Comments
Russ Garner
5. Superintendent Reports and Board Information
5.A. Contract Ratification
Catherine Janda
Goal #5: Allocate resources in the most effective manner to maximize student achievement
Background: Various vendors from the Comal ISD approved pool of professional service providers will provide required services for Bond 2021, Bond 2023 and capital projects. On September 24, 2015, District staff presented a process to help expedite design work related to Bond and other approved capital projects. Under the approval, administration was delegated the authority to execute agreements ranging from $50,000 to $350,000 with Board ratification at the next regularly scheduled meeting.
5.B. Change Order to Timberwood Park ES School Zone Upgrades RFCSP 22-01
Catherine Janda
Goal #5: Allocate resources in the most effective manner to maximize student achievement
Background: This project was approved by the Board on December 14, 2021. Board policy CV (Local) authorizes the Superintendent to approve change orders less than $50,000. Any change orders approved administratively shall be reported in writing to the Board.
5.C. SHAC Report
Micaeli Smith
Goal #3 Embrace Choice
Background: Comal ISD School Health Advisory Council (SHAC) is providing for the Board of Trustees a written annual report detailing 2022-2023 SHAC goals, progress, and achievements in the areas of fitness and physical activity, school gardens and nutrition, mental health and safe schools, and district wellness (Comal Fit). SHAC goals for 2023-2024 will also be shared.
5.D. Bond & Construction Update
Malcolm Mulroney
Goal #5 Allocate resources in the most effective manner to maximize student achievement
Background: In alignment with Collaborative Vision and the DIP Strategic Objective: Complete capital projects as approved by the voters and in support of the long-range plan. The presentation will cover 2021 Bond Projects in progress and the design schedule for 2023 Projects.
6. Consent Agenda
6.A. Consider/Approve Personnel Report
Bobbi Supak
6.B. Consider/Approve Board Meeting Minutes
6.C. Consider/Approve Financial Statement and Expenditures
Glenn Graham
6.D. Consider/Approve Monthly Tax Office Report
Glenn Graham
6.E. Consider/Approve Budget Amendments
Glenn Graham
6.F. 4th Quarter Investment Report
Glenn Graham
Goal # Allocate resources in the most effective manner to maximize student achievement
Background: Board policy CDA and Public Funds Investment Act of Texas Government Code 2256.023 require the investment officer to submit to the Board a written quarterly report of investment transactions for all funds covered by the Public Funds Investment Act. The Board will receive the 4th Quarter Report covering the period from April 1, 2023 thru June 30, 2023. The Board will also receive the Annual Report covering the period from July 1, 2022 thru June 30, 2023. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the 4th Quarter Report and Annual Report as presented.
6.G. Consider/Approve School Bus Purchase
Catherine Janda
Goal #5: Allocate resources in the most effective manner to maximize student achievement
Background: The replacement schedule for buses combined with the District’s sustained growth has created the need to purchase additional buses. The acquisition of school buses was approved by the voters in the 2021 and 2023 Bond. This purchase of buses will complete the 2021 Bond allocation and be the first purchase against the 2023 Bond allocation for buses. The recommendation for consideration will be from an awarded vendor through a District subscribed purchasing cooperative contract. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustess approve the purchase of school buses as presented.
6.H. Consider/Approve Canyon HS Fire Suppression System Piping Replacement
Catherine Janda
Goal #5: Allocate resources in the most effective manner to maximize student achievement
Background: The fire suppression (sprinkler) system at Canyon HS needs the mezzanine piping replaced to be fully operational. Fire system upgrades were approved by the voters in the 2021 Bond. The recommendation for consideration will be from an awarded vendor through a District subscribed purchasing cooperative contract. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustess approve replacement of the mezzanine piping in the fire suppression sprinkler system at Canyon High School as presented.
6.I. Consider/Approve Adjunct Faculty for Texas AgriLife Extension
Renee Martinez
Goal # Embrace Choice
Background: The Texas AgriLife Extension Service provides agricultural opportunities and educational experiences for students participating in county 4-H programs. Each year the Board of Trustees approves Texas AgriLife Extension Agents as Comal ISD Adjunct Faculty. This designation facilitates the partnership between local 4-H clubs and the district allowing students to participate in Texas AgriLife sponsored and approved activities. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve adjunct faculty for Texas Agrilife Extension as presented.
6.J. Consider/Approve Donations: Acceptance of Donations
Glenn Graham
Goal # Allocate resources in the most effective manner to maximize student achievement
Background: Kinder Ranch PTSA is proposing to donate $7,200 to Kinder Ranch Elementary. This is a one-time donation to be used for classroom transformation kits and promotion of staff morale. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the one-time donation of $7,200 from Kinder Ranch PTSA to Kinder Ranch Elementary as presented.
6.K. Consider/Approve TASB Delegate Assembly
Dr. John E. Chapman III
Goal #
Background: Every year, the Board is asked to appoint a delegate and alternate to attend the Texas Association of School Boards Delegate Assembly. This year’s event is September 30, 2023 in Dallas, Texas. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve appointing a delegate and alternate to the 2023 TASB Delegate Assembly as presented.
6.L. Consider/Approve TEA Waiver: Remote Homebound Instruction Waiver
Michele Martella
Goal # 1 Comal ISD will develop, implement, and sustain programs that maximize academic success for all students.
Background: Remote Homebound Instructional Waivers allow student access for unique medical situations to receive remote instruction that aligns with attendance eligibility for FSP funding purposes. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Remote Homebound Instruction Waiver to allow for TEA consideration for student eligibility and support FSP funding consistent with the SAAH as presented.
6.M. Consider/Approve Student Code of Conduct
Corbee Wunderlich and Denise Ayala
Goal #2 Prepare Classrooms and Facilities for Learning
Background: The district is proposing edits to the Student Code of Conduct, a document mandated by Chapter 37 of the Texas Education Code, to ensure all legal requirements are included and to maintain continued alignment with board policy. Edits made are for clarity and to incorporate recent changes made to policies during the 88th Legislative Session and recommendations from legal counsel. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the 2023-24 Student Code of Conduct as presented.
6.N. Consider/Approve T-TESS/T-PESS Appraisal Calendar and Appraisers
Bobbi Supak
Goal #4: Recruit, Develop and Coach Talent
Background: District Administration seeks approval of the Texas Teacher Evaluation and Support System (T-TESS) Teacher Appraisal Calendar and List of Appraisers as well as the Texas Principal Evaluation and Support System (T-PESS) List of Appraisers. We bring this information to the board annually per Local Policy DNA. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve T-TESS/T-PESS calendar and appraisers for the 2023-2024 school year as presented.
6.O. Consider/Approve TASB Update 121 2nd Reading
Bobbi Supak
Goal #
Background: TASB Policy Update 121 includes revisions to LEGAL policies based on updates to the Texas Administrative Code and most of the LOCAL policy recommendations in the Update are intended to clarify current policy language. LOCAL policies CFB(LOCAL): ACCOUNTING - INVENTORIES CKE(LOCAL): SAFETY PROGRAM/RISK MANAGEMENT - SECURITY PERSONNEL CKEC(LOCAL): SECURITY PERSONNEL - SCHOOL RESOURCE OFFICERS CLB(LOCAL): BUILDINGS, GROUNDS, AND EQUIPMENT MANAGEMENT - MAINTENANCE CRF(LOCAL): INSURANCE AND ANNUITIES MANAGEMENT - UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE CVA(LOCAL): FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION - COMPETITIVE BIDDING CVB(LOCAL): FACILITIES CONSTRUCTION - COMPETITIVE SEALED PROPOSALS DEA(LOCAL): COMPENSATION AND BENEFITS - COMPENSATION PLAN FD(LOCAL): ADMISSIONS FFI(LOCAL): STUDENT WELFARE - FREEDOM FROM BULLYING Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve revisions to LEGAL policies based on updates to the Texas Administrative Code and most of the LOCAL policy recommendations in the Update are intended to clarify current policy language as presented.
7. Items for Discussion and/or Action
7.A. Items Removed from Consent
7.B. 88th Legislative Session Updates
Julia Grizzard - Bexar County Education
Background: Mrs. Grizzard will provide an update on 88th legislative session.
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees receives an update on the 88th legislative session.
7.C. Consider/Approve the Collaborative Vision 5-Year Plan
Dr. John E. Chapman III
Background: In March 2023, the administration convened a committee of more than 60 community members to develop the District’s Collaborative Vision 5-Year Plan, which outlines the District’s goals and the key initiatives for achieving them. At the June 13 Board Workshop, the administration facilitated an in-depth review and discussion of the Strategic Plan with the assistance of members of the CV Committee.
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the Collaborative Vision 5-year Plan as presented.
7.D. Consider/Approve 2023-2024 District and Campus Improvement Plans
Julie Cronkhite
Goal # 1 Comal ISD will develop, implement, and sustain programs that maximize academic success for all students.
Background: The District Improvement Plan and Campus Improvement Plans are created to establish aligned goals to maximize student learning and progress. The District Improvement Plan is based on the development of the 2023 Collaborative Vision documents in conjunction with the most recent district and state assessment data. Campus Improvement Plans have been updated throughout the spring semester to address specific campus needs based on campus, district, and state assessment data. Both plans will be reviewed and updated in October, January, March, and May by the administration. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the District and Campus Improvement Plans as presented.
7.E. Consider/Approve Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit (Option 3 Agreement) and to Delegate Contractual Authority to Superintendent
Glenn Graham
Goal #:
Background: Each year the district school board must delegate the authority to obligate the school district under chapter 49 to the superintendent. The following language is required to be recorded in the board minutes: For the 2023-2024 school year, we delegated contractual authority to obligate the school district under Texas Education Code (TEC) §11.1511(c)(4) to the superintendent, solely for the purpose of obligating the district under TEC, §48.257 and TEC, Chapter 49, Subchapters A and D, and the rules adopted by the commissioner of education as authorized under TEC, 49.006. This included approval of the Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit or the Agreement for the Purchase of Attendance Credit (Netting Chapter 48 Funding).
Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that The Board of Trustees approve contractual authority to obligate the school district under Chapter 49 to the superintendent as presented.
7.F. Consideration and Possible Approval of Architectural Firms for 2021 & 2023 Bond Projects
Malcolm Mulroney
Goal #2
Background: The Board will consider the approval of six (6) architectural firms identified above and delegate authority to the Superintendent. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the pool of six (6) architectural firms identified above and delegate authority to the Superintendent or his designee to assign projects, negotiate, and execute agreements with qualified firms to perform Architectural Services under this Request for Qualifications as presented.
7.G. Consideration and Possible Approval of Construction Delivery Method of Construction of Middle School #9 and Elementary 21, 22, & 23 Projects from the 2023 Bond
Malcolm Mulroney
Goal #2
Background: The Board will consider the approval of six (6) architectural firms identified above and delegate authority to the Superintendent. Recommendation: It is the recommendation of the Superintendent that the Board of Trustees approve the pool of six (6) architectural firms identified above and delegate authority to the Superintendent or his designee to assign projects, negotiate, and execute agreements with qualified firms to perform Architectural Services under this Request for Qualifications as presented.
8. Closed Session Pursuant to Sections 551.071 thru 551.089 of the Texas Government Code
8.A. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.072, discuss the purchase, exchange, sale, lease or value of property
8.B. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.071 thru 551.0821, consider and discuss employment, appointment, assignment or promotion of personnel, including vacancies and SRO’s; and resignations and retirement.
8.C. Pursuant to Texas Government Code 551.076 and 551.089, discuss and deliberate compliance with HB 3 (Texas Education Code 37.0814) which includes the deployment, or specific occasions for implementation, of security personnel.
9. Action Items
9.A. Consider/Approve Resolution to Declare a Good Cause Exception to HB 3’s Armed Security Officer Requirement
Corbee Wunderlich
9.B. Consider /Approve Alternative Standard Plan to HB 3’s Armed Security Officer Requirement
Corbee Wunderlich