May 22, 2008 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Consider and Take Action to Approve Agenda
2. Oath of Office to Re-Elected Trustees
3. Bond 2008 Political Action Committee Presentation
4. Recognition of Students and Student Groups
5. Audience Participation
6. Consider and Take Action to Approve Resolution Relating to Establishing the Comal ISD's Intention to Reimburse Itself for the Prior Lawful Expenditure of Funds in Furtherance of Acquiring, Constructing, and Improving School Facilities from the Proceeds of Tax-Exempt Obligations to be Issued by the District for Authorized Purposes; Authorizing Other Matters Incident and Related Thereto; and Providing an Effective Date
7. Consider and Take Action on Matters Related to Proceeding with the Issuance of the First Sale of Bonds Approved by the Voters on May 10, 2008, Including the Selection of Underwriters
8. 2008-09 Budget, Salaries, and Staffing
8.A. Update on Proposed 2008-09 Budget
8.B. Consider and Take Action to Approve Additional Staff Positions for 2008-09
8.C. Consider and Take Action to Approve Employee Salary Schedules, Stipends, and Increases for 2008-09
9. Consent Agenda
9.A. Approve Consent Agenda
9.B. Board Meeting Minutes
9.C. Financial Statement and Expenditures
9.D. Monthly Tax Report
9.E. Increase in School Lunch Meal Prices for 2008-09
9.F. Innovative Course - Sports Medicine II
9.G. Expedited Waiver Application for Staff Development, Early Release, and Modified Schedule on TAKS Testing Days
9.H. Out-of-State Travel for Canyon High School Aristocats
9.I. Construction Change Order for Arlon Seay Elementary School
9.J. Construction Change Order for Morningside Elementary School
9.K. Construction Change Order for Timberwood Park Elementary School
9.L. Bid for Painting Exterior of Smithson Valley Middle School
9.M. Agreement with American Red Cross to use School Facilities for Shelter during Emergencies
9.N. Board of Trustees Meeting Calendar for 2008-09
10. Reports
10.A. Grade Exemption Waiver Update
10.B. First Reading of Board Policy Update 82
10.C. Construction and Facilities
11. Closed Session Pursuant to Sections 551.071 through 551.084 of the Texas Government Code
11.A. Pursuant to 551.082, hear, review, and discuss student transfer petitions
11.B. Pursuant to 551.071, consult with District's attorney regarding legal issues concerning a Level 3 parent complaint
11.C. Pursuant to 551.082 and 551.0821, Level 3 appeal hearing and deliberation of a student grievance concerning a disciplinary matter
11.D. Pursuant to 551.074, consider and discuss personnel resignations, employments, reassignments
11.E. Pursuant to 551.072, discuss the purchase, exchange, sale, lease or value of real property
11.F. Pursuant to 551.082, review student expulsions
11.G. Pursuant to 551.074, discuss school board reorganization
12. Consider and Take Action on Student Transfer Appeals
13. Consider and Take Possible Action on the Level Three Appeal of a Student Grievance Concerning a Disciplinary Matter
14. Consider and Take Action on Contractual Personnel as Recommended by the Superintendent: Resignations, Retirements, Employments
15. Consider and Take Action on Interlocal Agreement with City of New Braunfels for Road Improvements
16. Reorganization of Board of Trustees