December 17, 2007 at 6:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
I.A. Establishment of Quorum/Roll Call
I.B. Pledge to the American and Texas Flags
I.C. Certifcation of Public Notice
II. Recognition of Visitors - Public Forum
III. Public Hearing of the 2005-2006 Financial Integrity Rating System of Texas Report
IV. Consider Action on Gifts & Solicitations
V. Approval and/or Correction of Minutes of the Special Meeting on November 5, 2007, Special Meeting on November 12, 2007 and the Regular Meeting on November 19, 2007.
VI. Consent Agenda: The items on the consent agenda require routine board action. All items on this portion of the agenda can be adopted with one motion/second and majority of a quorum of trustees. Any trustee can move on items from the consent agenda for a separate discussion and vote. Discussion/Action
VI.A. Check Payments
VI.B. Budget Amendments
VI.C. Tax Report
VI.D. Financial Statement
VII. Unfinished Business
VII.A. Construction Update
VIII. New Business
VIII.A. Stuart Isgur: Concerns about Mitigating Impact of Gym Location
VIII.B. Norma Arroyo and Sergio Garica: Tax Cosolidation Presentation
VIII.C. Electrical Power
VIII.D. Approval of Budget/Finance Committe
VIII.E. Engagement Letter - Audit for Year Ended August 21, 2007
VIII.F. Resolution - Tax Tangible Personal Property in Transit
VIII.G. Marfa ISD Fuel Bid
VIII.H. Heatherly Avery: MISD Technology Update
VIII.I. Approval of Willie Arana as Intergrated Pest Management (IPM) Coordinator
VIII.J. Personnel
IX. Reports from Staff: Principals and Directors may make reports of a general nature on the operation of their area of responsibility. Items of particular public interest will be posted individually.
IX.A. Enrollment Reports
IX.B. Activity Fund Reports
X. Adjourn