September 19, 2018 at 2:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Opening Ceremony
2. Call to Order
Time: ___________
Members Present: |
2.A. Role Call by the Clerk: Michael Barrett, Chair; Chris Jourdain, Vice-Chair; Barb Thomas, Clerk; Roy Nelson, Treasurer; Douglas (Jack) Desjarlait, Director; Tina Stately, Director; Melinda Crowley, Superintendent
2.B. Guests:
3. Summary/Overview of Agenda - Superintendent Crowley
4. Approval of agenda for September 19, 2018
M/M/S______________&_____________ to approve agenda for September 19, 2018.
Yes_____No_____Abstain_____ |
5. Public Comments and Delegations This is a time for members of the public to address the Red Lake School Board.
5.A. Vicki Graves: Presentation on Sexual Health Curriculum.
6. Reports
6.A. Gichi-ogimaakwe dibaajimowin(Superintendent Report)
6.A.1. 2018 School Board Meeting Schedule
6.A.2. Information requested at August Board meeting
6.A.3. Superintendent written report submitted
6.A.4. Enrollment Reports
6.B. Zhooniyaa-gichi-ogimaa dibaajimowin (Business Manager Report)
6.C. Ojibwe-gikendaasowin-wedaakad (Ojibwe Education Steward)
6.C.1. Water song
6.D. Genawenimaad Gaa-wiidookawindwaa Ogimaa dibaajimowin (the ones
being helped boss) (Special Services Department Report) |
6.E. Genawenimaad Enokiinijin (Human Resources Coordinator)
6.F. Wiigiwaam-gichi-ogimaa dibaajimowin (Building and Grounds Manager Report)
6.G. Gaa-naadamaagewaad Ogimaa dibaajimowin (Security Coordinator Report)
6.H. Ashange-gichi-ogimaakwe Gaa-diba'amaaged dibaajimowin (Food Service Coordinator Report)
6.I. Abinoojiyag Gikinoo’amaadiwigamig dibaajimowin (Red Lake K-5 School Principal Report)
6.J. Obaashing Gikinoo’amaadiwigamig dibaajimowin (Ponemah K-8 School Principal Report)
6.K. Abinoojiyag Gikinoo’amaadiwigamig dibaajimowin (Secondary Complex Report)
6.L. Bimiwizhiwe-odaabaniwigamig dibaajimowin (Transportation Department Report)
7. Consent Agenda for September 19, 2018
M/M/S ________________ &__________________ to approve consent agenda for September 19, 2018.
Yes____ No____ Abstain____ |
7.A. Approve minutes from August 16, 2018, Board meeting.
7.B. Approve minutes from September 5, 2018, Special Board Meeting.
7.C. Approve an extension of maternity leave for Ashley White, a Paraprofessional, until January 2, 2019.
7.D. Approve an unpaid leave request from Chon Gai'La Morris from September 7, 2018, until October 8, 2018.
7.E. Approve hiring Tessy Johnson as a part-time Transportation Secretary/Dispatcher.
7.F. Approve additions to the Non-LicesnedSubstitute list.
7.G. Approve additions to the Licensed Substitute list.
7.H. Approve Donald Brun for out of state travel to Las Vegas, Nevada from November 28-30 for National Student Safety and Security Conference.
7.I. Approve Dr. Giniwgiizhig for out of state travel to Hartford, Connecticut from October 10-13 for NIEA.
8. Closed Session (If needed)
M/M/S __________________ & __________________ to close board meeting per Minnesota Statute _______________________ for the purpose of _________________________________________.
Yes______; No _______; Abstain ___________ Time Closed: Time Reopened:
9. Action Items
9.A. Approve August 2018 bills
M/M/S ____________________________ & ________________________________ to approve the list of bills check # 196974 through #197242and wire payments in the amount of $2,031,788.12
Yes _____; No _____; Abstain _____ |
9.B. Certify proposed 2018 pay 2019 levy at maximum.
M/M/S __________________________ & _____________________________ to certify the proposed 2018 pay 2019 levy at maximum.
Yes ___; No ___; Abstain ___ |
9.C. Approve summary of the 2017-2018 Superintendent's evaluation.
M/M/S ____________________________ & ________________________________ to approve summary of the 2017-2018 Superintendent's evaluation.
Yes _____; No _____; Abstain _____ |
10. Miscellaneous
11. Adjournment
M/M/S _________________ &__________________ to adjourn.
Yes____ No____ Abstain____ Adjourned at _____________ |