November 9, 2021 at 4:45 PM - Work Study Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Superintendent Check In
II.A. Achievement/ World's Best Workforce/ School Improvement Plan
II.B. Junteenth
Tucci Osorio
III. Rescinding, Adoption, and Revision of Policies
Tucci Osorio
III.A. Revise Policies
Tucci Osorio
III.A.1. 102 (Equal Education Opportunity)
III.A.2. 406 (Public and Private Personnel Data)
III.A.3. 413 (Harassment and Violence)
III.A.4. 413 (Harassment and Violence)
III.A.5. 501 (School Weapons Policy)
III.A.6. 503 (Student Attendance)
III.A.7. 515 (Protection and Privacy of Pupil Records)
III.A.8. 524 (Internet Acceptable Use and Safety Policy)
III.A.9. 534 (Unpaid meal Charges (now 'School Meals Policy')
III.A.10. 620 (Credit for Learning)
IV. Board Officer/Committee Discussion
V. Board Check In
VI. Adjourn