September 24, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
I. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Approval of the Agenda
III. Public Comment
An opportunity for public to comment on items. Speakers shall complete a registration card, state their name and address, and will have between two and four minutes, depending on the number of speakers, to speak on a topic. The Public Comment section of the meeting shall last no longer than thirty minutes. |
IV. Consent Agenda
The Consent Agenda consists of routine items that are acted on in a single, consolidated motion without Board discussion. Board members have the option of pulling items off the Consent Agenda if they wish to discuss them or consider them individually.
IV.A. Minutes of August 20, 2019 Business Meeting
IV.B. Routine Personnel
IV.C. Designation of Identified Official With Authority for the MDE External User Access Recertification System
IV.D. Grant Request to Minnesota State High School League Foundation
IV.E. Disbursements
V. Reports
V.A. Student School Board Representatives - Alvarez/Saunders-Pearce
V.B. Superintendent - Tucci Osorio
V.B.1. Facilities
V.C. Assistant Superintendent
V.C.1. School Feature: Maplewood Middle School - Sayles-Adams/K. Wolff
V.C.2. Enrollment Report - Miller/St. Michaels
V.C.3. 2019-2020 Site Improvement Plans - Sayles-Adams
V.D. Business Office
V.D.1. Presale Reports for 2019A, 2019B, and 2019C Bond Issues - R. Anderson/G. Crowe
VI. Action Items
VI.A. Business Office
VI.A.1. Acknowledgement of Contributions - Auge
VI.A.2. Proposed 2019 Payable 2020 Tax Levy - R. Anderson
VI.A.3. Updated LTFM Ten Year Plan - R. Anderson
VI.B. Assistant Superintendent - Sayles-Adams
VI.B.1. 2019-2020 Committee Membership: Advisory Staff Development Committee; Site Professional Learning Team Membership; and District 622 Advisory Committee
VI.C. Superintendent
VI.C.1. Policies - Tucci Osorio
VI.C.1.a. Rescind Policies
VI.C.1.a.1) L-060 (Mismanagement of Resources & Inadequate Asset Protection)
VI.C.1.a.2) L-061 (Inadequate Budget Planning & Management)
VI.C.1.a.3) L-062 (Unethical, Unprofessional Financial Processes)
VI.C.1.b. Adopt Policy
VI.C.1.b.1) 535 (Gender Inclusion)
VI.C.1.c. Revise Policies
VI.C.1.c.1) 103 (Complaints - Students, Employees, Parents, Other Persons)
VI.C.1.c.2) 205 (Open Meetings & Closed Meetings)
VI.C.1.c.3) 208 (Policy Stewardship)
VI.C.1.c.4) 209 (Board Code of Conduct & Ethics)
VI.C.1.c.5) 402 (Disability Nondiscrimination Policy)
VI.C.1.c.6) 410 (Family & Medical Leave)
VI.C.1.c.7) 413 (Harassment & Violence)
VI.C.1.c.8) 416 (Drug & Alcohol Testing)
VI.C.1.c.9) 419 (Tobacco-Free Environment)
VI.C.1.c.10) 421 (Gifts to and Solicitation by Employees & School Board Members)
VI.C.1.c.11) 423 (Employee-Student Relationships)
VI.C.1.c.12) 503 (Student Attendance)
VI.C.1.c.13) 505 (Distribution of Non-School-Sponsored Materials)
VI.C.1.c.14) 506 (Student Discipline)
VI.C.1.c.15) 521 (Student Disability Nondiscrimination)
VI.C.1.c.16) 522 (Student Sex Nondiscrimination - Title IX)
VI.C.1.c.17) 524 (Internet Acceptable Use)
VI.C.1.c.18) 529 (Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students)
VI.C.1.c.19) 532 (Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds)
VI.C.1.c.20) 603 (Curriculum Development)
VI.C.1.c.21) 616 (School District System Accountability)
VI.C.1.c.22) 618 (Assessment of Student Achievement)
VI.C.1.c.23) 624 (Online Learning Options)
VI.C.1.c.24) 714 (Fund Balance)
VI.D. School Board
VI.D.1. Set Agenda, Time & Location for October 8, 2019 Work Study Session
VII. Board Communications
VIII. Future Board Meeting Dates
VIII.A. October 8, 2019 Work Study Session
VIII.B. October 22, 2019 Business Meeting, 6:00 p.m. (Board Room)