August 6, 2019 at 4:30 PM - Work Study Session
Agenda |
I. Call to Order
II. Superintendent Check In - Tucci Osorio
III. Update on Supper Program - R. Anderson
IV. Facilities - Tucci Osorio/Peters
V. Recycling Update - R. Anderson
VI. Rescinding, Adoption, and Revision of Policies - Tucci Osorio
VI.A. Rescind Policies
VI.A.1. L-060 (Mismanagement of Resources & Inadequate Asset Protection)
VI.A.2. L-061 (Inadequate Budget Planning & Management)
VI.A.3. L-062 (Unethical, Unprofessional Financial Processes)
VI.B. Adopt Policy
VI.B.1. 530 (Gender Inclusion)
VI.C. Revise Policies
VI.C.1. 103 (Complaints - Students, Employees, Parents, Other Persons)
VI.C.2. 205 (Open Meetings & Closed Meetings)
VI.C.3. 208 (Policy Stewardship)
VI.C.4. 209 (Board Code of Conduct & Ethics)
VI.C.5. 402 (Disability Nondiscrimination Policy)
VI.C.6. 410 (Family & Medical Leave)
VI.C.7. 413 (Harassment & Violence)
VI.C.8. 416 (Drug & Alcohol Testing)
VI.C.9. 419 (Tobacco-Free Environment)
VI.C.10. 421 (Gifts to and Solicitation by Employees & School Board Members)
VI.C.11. 423 (Employee-Student Relationships)
VI.C.12. 503 (Student Attendance)
VI.C.13. 505 (Distribution on Non-school-Sponsored Materials)
VI.C.14. 506 (Student Discipline)
VI.C.15. 521 (Student Disability Nondiscrimination)
VI.C.16. 522 (Student Sex Nondiscrimination - Title IX)
VI.C.17. 524 (Internet Acceptable Use)
VI.C.18. 529 (Staff Notification of Violent Behavior by Students)
VI.C.19. 532 (Use of Peace Officers and Crisis Teams to Remove Students with IEPs from School Grounds)
VI.C.20. 603 (Curriculum Development)
VI.C.21. 616 (School District System Accountability)
VI.C.22. 618 (Assessment of Student Achievement)
VI.C.23. 624 (Online Learning Options)
VI.C.24. 714 (Fund Balance)
VII. Board Check-In
VII.A. Ice Arena - Auge'
VIII. Adjourn