August 28, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Mike Domin
Members: Kim Coughlin, Mike Domin, Beth Hautala, Laura Lee, Barb Neprud, Tommy Sablan and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland |
2. Welcome to Visitors
3. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
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4. Public Comments on Agenda Items
5. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
5.1. Recognition
5.2. Policy Review Process
Policy 513 - Student Promotion, Retention and Program Design - First Reading of Revision Policy 514 - Bullying Prohibition Policy - First Reading of Revision Policy 516.5 - Overdose Medication - First Reading of Revision to New Policy Yellow highlights bring policy to-date with current MSBA Policy Service Green highlights indicate local discretion items
5.3. After School Childcare Program Update
5.4. District Brand - Skjeveland
6. Approve Minutes - July 24, 2023 Regular Board Meeting
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7. Informational Items Included in Packet:
7.1. Administrative Reports
7.1.a. Activities Director/Dean of Students
7.1.b. Community Ed Coordinator
7.1.c. Secondary Principal
7.1.d. Elementary Principal
7.2. Committee Reports
7.2.a. Buildings and Grounds
7.2.b. Ad Hoc Policy Committee
7.2.c. Other Reports
8. Consent Calendar:
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8.1. Approve Bills Presented
8.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
8.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations
9. Personnel Consent Items:
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9.1. Approve an Additional Jr. High Volleyball Coaching Position for 2023-2024 Based on Increased Number of Participants
9.2. Renew/Approve the following Coaches/Activities Contracts Effective with the 2023-2024 Fall Season:
9.2.a. Football -
Andrew Moore Assistant C Coach |
9.2.b. Volleyball -
Jamie Welle Assistant C Coach (note change from July agenda) Katrina Andrusick 7-8 Jr. High Coach Devan Bartels 7-8 Jr. High Coach, added for 23-24 due to participation |
9.2.c. Cross Country -
Caleb Kroese Volunteer Coach Olive VandePolder Volunteer Coach |
9.3. Accept the Resignation of Sheila Lee, Early Childhood Special Education Teacher, Effective December 21, 2023 with Thanks and Appreciation for Years of Service and Authorize Filling the Position As Soon As Possible to Allow a Date Overlap for Training
9.4. Employ Jonaikel Marchan, Custodian, Effective July 1, 2023
9.5. Employ Kathy Hachey, Long-Term Substitute Teacher During Anna Ernst Leave, Starting September 5, 2023 Through Balance of Approved Leave at Approximately November 20, 2023
9.6. Accept Resignation of Luke Ringhand, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional Effective at the End of the 2022-2023 School Year with Thanks and Appreciation for Years of Service, and Authorize Filling the Position, if Needed.
9.7. Accept Resignation of Josey Sonenstahl, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective at the End of the 2022-2023 School Year and Authorize Filling the Position, if Needed
9.8. Employ Janelle Whipple, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Food Service, Effective August 30, 2023
9.9. Employ Angelle Taylor, LPN Nurse Paraprofessional, Effective August 30, 2023
9.10. Employ Ashley Carlson, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective August 30, 2023
9.11. Employ Briana Sather, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective August 30, 2023
9.12. Employ Rebecca Seeker, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective August 30, 2023
9.13. Employ Beth Deshayes, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective August 30, 2023
9.14. Employ Davonte Needham, 4 Hour per Student Contact Day Food Service, Effective September 5, 2023
9.15. Accept Resignation of Lisa Rydberg, Secondary Special Education Teacher, With Thanks and Appreciation for Years of Service, and Authorize Filling the Position
10. Action Items:
10.1. Approve the Following Policy(ies):
Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 510 - School Activities
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10.2. Set Adult Meal Price for 2023-2024 per USDA Requirements: Lunch at $4.95 and Breakfast at $3.00. Second Complete Student Meals at Adult Rates
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10.3. Approve Overnight Tennis Trip to Section 7A Tennis Tournament October 16 to October 17, 2023, If There Are Qualifying Players
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11. Public Comments
12. Regular Board Meeting -- September 25, 2023 -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
13. Adjourn
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