May 22, 2023 at 6:30 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Mike Domin
Members: Kim Coughlin, Mike Domin, Beth Hautala, Laura Lee, Barb Neprud, Tommy Sablan and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland |
2. Welcome to Visitors
3. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
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4. Public Comments on Agenda Items
5. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
5.1. Second Bond Sale from November 5, 2019 Referendum - Ehlers
5.2. Recognition
5.3. First Consideration of Request for Spanish Trip to Ecuador in June 2025 - Dietz
5.4. Policy Review Process
Policy 506 - Student Discipline - First Reading of Revision Policy 507 - Corporal Punishment - First Reading of Revision Yellow highlights bring policy to-date with current MSBA Policy Service Green highlights indicate local discretion items
5.5. Child Care Update - Skjeveland
5.6. Budget Reduction Update - Skjeveland
5.7. Operating Referendum - Skjeveland
6. Approve Minutes - April 24, 2023 Regular Board Meeting
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7. Informational Items Included in Packet:
7.1. Administrative Reports
7.1.a. Activities Director/Dean of Students
7.1.b. Community Ed Coordinator
7.1.c. Secondary Principal
7.1.d. Elementary Principal
7.2. Committee Reports
7.2.a. Finance
7.2.b. Staff Development
7.2.c. Other Reports
7.3. Enrollment Report
8. Consent Calendar:
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8.1. Approve Bills Presented
8.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
8.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations
9. Personnel Consent Items:
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9.1. Approve One Year Extension of ACP Memorandum of Understanding with Education MN - C-I
9.2. Employ Gabrielle Van Grootheest, Instrumental Music Teacher, Effective with the Start of the 2023-2024 School Year
9.3. Employ Teppi Bundy, Family Services Worker/ADSIS Behavior Interventist, Effective with the Start of the 2023-2024 School Year
9.4. Employ Lisa Wetzel, High School Clerical, Effective May 3, 2023
9.5. Accept Resignation of Kami Berg, Elementary Teacher, Effective at the End of the 2022-2023 School Year with Thanks and Appreciation for Years of Service and Authorize Filling the Position
9.6. Employ Avery Mumm, Elementary Teacher, Effective with the Start of the 2023-2024 School Year
9.7. Employ Catherine Lacerte, .40 f.t.e. Early Childhood Teacher, Effective with the Start of the 2023-2024 School Year
9.8. Employ Amanda Reyes, Special Education Teacher, Effective with the Start of the 2023-2024 School Year
9.9. Non-Renew the Long Term Substitute Teacher Contract of Kathy Hachey Effective at the End of the 2022-2023 School Year
9.10. Non-Renew the Long Term Substitute Teacher Contract of Jane Moore Effective at the End of the 2022-2023 School Year
9.11. Authorize up to 10 Days of Extended Summer Time for Nicole Doyle, Secondary Counselor, to be Submitted by Timecard(s) for the Summer of 2023
9.12. Authorize up to 2 Days of Extended Summer Time for Trevor Rohloff, Elementary Counselor, to be Submitted by Timecard(s) for the Summer of 2023
9.13. Authorize 20 Hour per Week After-School Enrichment Program Lead Position to Coordinate After-School Daycare and Other After-School Programs, Starting with the 2023-2024 School Year
10. Action Items:
10.1. Approve the Following Policy(ies):
Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 504 - Student Dress and Appearance
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10.2. Adopt Resolution Stating the Intention of the School Board to Issue General Obligation School Building Bonds, Series 2023A, in the Maximum Aggregate Principal Amount of $6,360,000; and Taking Other Actions with Repect Thereto
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10.3. Adopt the 2022-2023 Revised Budget
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10.4. Reschedule Regular June Board Meeting from Monday, June 26, 2023 to Tuesday, June 20, 2023
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10.5. Approve Resolution Authorizing Superintendent to Explore Consultant Opportunities with Strateligent/Aaron Hautala
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11. Public Comments
12. Regular Board Meeting -- June 20, 2023 -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
13. Adjourn
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