July 25, 2022 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Mike Domin
Members: Kim Coughlin, Mike Domin, Mary Kuhlmann, Barb Neprud, Tom Nixon, Tommy Sablan and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland |
2. Welcome to Visitors
3. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
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4. Public Comments on Agenda Items
5. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
5.1. Policy Review Process
Policy 415 - Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults - First Reading of Revision Policy 416 - Drug and Alcohol Testing - Review Yellow highlights bring policy to-date with current MSBA Policy Service Green highlights indicate local discretion items
5.2. Review Strategic Goals for 2022-2023
6. Approve Minutes - June 27, 2022 Regular Board Meeting
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7. Informational Items Included in Packet:
7.1. Administrative Reports
7.1.a. none
7.2. Committee Reports
7.2.a. none
8. Consent Calendar:
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8.1. Approve Bills Presented
8.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
8.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations
9. Personnel Consent Items:
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9.1. Renew/Approve the Following Fall Coaches Contracts Effective with the 2022-2023 Season:
9.1.a. Football -
Bryan Syrstad Varisty Coach Neil Tesdahl Assistant Coach Mike Gindorff Assistant Coach James Fort Assistant C Coach Tom Mount Assistant C Coach Tyler Hendrickson 7-8 Jr. High Coach Vacant 7-8 Jr. High Coach Matt Windorski Volunteer Coach Casey Kannel Volunteer Coach Daniel Hudrlik Volunteer Coach Adam English Volunteer Coach |
9.1.b. Cross Country -
Erica Perpich Varsity Coach Rocky LaBlanc Assistant Coach |
9.1.c. Tennis -
Ann Silgen Varsity Coach Meredith Silgen Assistant Coach Gabrelle Hudrlik 7-8 Jr. High Coach Tracey Kennedy Volunteer Coach |
9.1.d. Volleyball -
Rebecca Pecha Varsity Coach Molly McDonald Assistant Coach Allison Anderson Assistant C Coach Megan Syrstad 7-8 Jr. High Coach TBD 7-8 Jr. High Coach |
9.1.e. Dance -
Rachel Norwood Varsity Coach TBD Assistant Coach TBD Assistant Coach TBD Assistant Coach |
9.1.f. Other -
Katrina Andrusick High School Vocal Music Katrina Andrusick High School Vocal Music Special Performances Tracy Hoffman High School Band Performances Tracy Hoffman High School Pep Band Jaclyn Larson Yearbook Co-Advisor Katherine Thoennes Yearbook Co-Advisor Megan Syrstad Prom Advisor |
9.2. Approve 2022-2023 CIS Instructors:
Andrew Tuthill (2) Michael Gindorff (2) Kelly Moore (4) Chelsea Lipski (4) Jaclyn Larson (6) Jessica Dietz (3) |
9.3. Accept Resignation of Pam Clontz, Secondary Special Education Teacher, Effective at the End of the 2021-2022 School Year and Authorize Filling the Position
9.4. Accept Resignation of Allison Anderson, Secondary Special Education Teacher, Effective at the End of the 2021-2022 School Year and Authorize Filling the Position
9.5. Approve Maternity Leave for Karlee Ulseth, Elementary Teacher, Effective On or About December 12, 2022 and Ending On or About March 31, 2023
9.6. Accept Resignation of Britta Nelson, Elementary Teacher, Effective at the End of the 2021-2022 School Year With Thanks and Appreciation for Years of Service and Authorize Filling the Position
10. Action Items:
10.1. Approve the Following Policy(ies):
Second Reading and Adoption of Revised Policy 413 - Harassment and Violence Second Reading and Adoption of Policy 414 - Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse
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10.2. Award Milk Bid for 2022-2023 School Year to Kemps Using Escalation Bid
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10.3. Award Bread Bid for 2022-2023 School Year to Pan-O-Gold Baking Company
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10.4. Award Trash Collection Bid for 2022-2023 School Year to Garrison Disposal/Nisswa Sanitation
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10.5. Adopt I.S.D. #182 FY24 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Ten-Year Plan
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10.6. Approve World's Best Work Force Goals for 2022-2023
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11. Public Comments
12. Regular Board Meeting -- August 22, 2022 -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
13. Adjourn
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