January 28, 2019 at 6:00 PM - Regular Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order & Pledge to the Flag – Chair, Mike Domin
Members: Jillian Decent, Mike Domin, Barb Neprud, Bob Sandin, Abby Geotz, Joe Dwyer and Superintendent Jamie Skjeveland Advisory Student Board Representatives: Evan Rasmussen, Courtney Johnson, Brooke Walker and Tanner Vipperman |
2. Welcome to Visitors
3. Public Comments on Agenda Items
4. Tour of High School Vocational Program Facilities
M_____2nd_____ to temporarily adjourn at _____ p.m. to allow the Board to tour the vocational program facilities at the high school. Expected time to reconvene is approximately 6:50 p.m. M_____2nd_____ to reconvene the meeting at _____ p.m. |
5. Board Discussion/Comments on the Following Items
5.1. Security Cameras and Door Card Access - Zahn
5.2. Policy Review Process
Policy 601 - School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals - First Reading of Revision Policy 602 - Organization of School Calendar and School Day - First Reading of Revision Yellow highlights bring policy to-date with current MSBA Policy Service Green highlights indicate local discretion items |
5.3. MSBA Annual Conference
6. Approve Agenda (Addendum, if included)
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7. Approve Minutes - December 17, 2018 Regular Board Meeting and January 7, 2019 Reorganizational Meeting
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8. Informational Items Included in Packet:
8.1. Coordinator Reports
8.1.a. Curriculum and Assessment
8.2. Administrative Reports
8.2.a. Activities Director/Dean of Students
8.2.b. Community Education Director
8.2.c. Secondary Principal
8.2.d. Elementary Principal
8.3. Committee Reports
8.3.a. Technology
8.3.b. Staff Development
8.4. Enrollment Report
9. Consent Calendar:
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9.1. Approve Bills Presented
9.2. Acceptance and Filing of Financial Reports
9.3. Accept Monetary Awards and Donations
10. Personnel Consent Items:
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10.1. Approve the Following Lane Changes Effective February 1, 2019 for the Balance of the 2018-2019 School Year:
Allison Larsen MA+10 to MA+20 (SC) Melissa Fischer BA+60 to BA+75 Bryan Syrstad BA+20 to BA+30 (SC) James Fort BA+20 to BA+30 (SC) Hannah Porter BA+10 to BA+20 (SC) Andrew Otterstad BA+20 to BA+50 (SC) Katherine Thoennes BA+20 to BS+30 (SC) Brad Hollenhorst BA+20 to BA+30 (SC) Angela Holmvig BA+30 to BA+60 |
10.2. Accept Resignation of Chevon Ceron, 5 Hour per Student Contact Day Ranger Care Paraprofessional, Effective December 21, 2018
10.3. Employ Chevon Ceron, 7 Hour per Student Contact Day Paraprofessional, Effective January 7, 2019
10.4. Accept Resignation of Amelia Awender, Jr. High Track Coach, Effective at the End of the 2017-2018 Season and Authorize Filling the Position
10.5. Accept Resignation of Roseanna Roubinek, 6.5 Hour per Day Cook, Effective at the End of the Work Day on January 18, 2019 and Authorize Filling the Position
11. Action Items:
11.1. Approve 2019-2020 School Calendar
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11.2. Approve Resolution to Serve as Program Sponsor and Endorse Bridges Career Academies and Workplace Connections Program Application to SourceWell for Innovation Funding
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12. Public Comments
13. Regular Board Meeting -- February 25, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. -- Forum Room-Secondary Building
14. Adjourn
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