October 14, 2021 at 6:00 PM - REGULAR MEETING
Agenda |
1. Call to Order / Pledge of Allegiance
2. Accept Agenda
3. Open Forum
4. Communications
4.A. SCRED Annual Report
4.B. DBS Update
4.C. Student Representative Update
4.D. Supt. Update
5. Consent Agenda
5.A. Claims and Accounts
5.B. Approve Minutes
5.C. Enrollment
5.D. Grant / Donation
5.E. Personnel Items
5.E.1) resignations/terminations
5.E.2) Retirement
5.E.3) Leave of Absence
5.E.4) Contracts/Notice of Hire/Extra-Curriculum/LTS
5.F. Board Committees
6. Old Business
7. New Business
7.A. Assurance of Compliance
7.B. Lakeside Handbook Updates
7.C. MOA Local 284 - Probation
7.D. MOA CLEM - frontload sick time
7.E. Custodians & Food Service sub pay increase
7.F. CLEM sub pay increase
7.G. Discuss and Approve addition of 1.0 FTE RN
7.H. 4.0 Lease Agreement
7.I. Communications Specialist
7.J. Discuss and approve 1.0 FTE first shirt custodian at MS
7.K. Discuss and approve the addition of 1.0 FTE assistant custodian at Lakeside.
7.L. Discuss and approve the addition of a .50 FTE behavior teacher at Lakeside.
8. Adjourn