July 26, 2021 at 7:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
3.1. Additions
3.1.1. Tamara Kremin, Multilingual Learner Lead Teacher (6.3.10)
3.1.2. Letter of Resignation from Rachael Mielke, Learning Readiness/Preschool Teacher (6.10)
3.1.3. Letter of Resignation from Jessica Bosma, School Nurse (6.11)
3.1.4. Letter of Resignation from Kris Nelson, Elementary Paraprofessional (6.12)
4. Public Forum
5. Presentation
6. Consent Agenda
6.1. Approve Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting of June 28, 2021
6.2. Approve Minutes of the Work Session Meeting of June 28, 2021
6.3. Approval of Contracts and/or Work Agreements
6.3.1. Sarah Landin, MS/HS Social Worker
6.3.2. Leann Bloemendaal, 7th Grade Volleyball
6.3.3. Morgan Taubert, 8th Grade Volleyball
6.3.4. Cheryl Fey, Volleyball Assistant
6.3.5. Jake Evans, Football Assistant
6.3.6. Ryan Koopman, Football Assistant
6.3.7. Cole Maly, Junior High Football
6.3.8. Todd Texley, Cross Country Assistant
6.3.9. Ed Gustafson, Head Tennis
6.3.10. Tamara Kremin, Multilingual Learner Lead Teacher
6.4. Approve Fall Sports Volunteers
6.5. Approval of Gifts to the School
6.5.1. Christ the King Lutheran Church, Donation of $100.00 to the Wellness Room
6.5.2. Jasper WELCA, Donation of $50.00 to the Wellness Room
6.6. Letter of Resignation from Brittany Bennett Berndt, MS Math Teacher
6.7. Letter of Resignation from Cal Jans, Maintenance Director
6.8. Letter of Resignation from Cindy Miller, Library Paraprofessional
6.9. Letter of Resignation from Cassondra Whipple, HS/MS Office Manager and Activities Assistant
6.10. Letter of Resignation from Rachael Mielke, Learning Readiness/Preschool Teacher
6.11. Letter of Resignation from Jessica Bosma, School Nurse
6.12. Letter of Resignation from Kris Nelson, Elementary Paraprofessional
6.13. Approve Lane Changes
6.13.1. Samantha Terry, MA + 30
6.13.2. Jennifer Evans, MA + 30
7. Financials
7.1. Review Elementary Building Budget Year-to-Date
7.1.1. Review New Elementary Building Bills
7.1.2. Approve Treasurer's Report for Elementary Building Bond
7.2. Review of Budget Year-to-Date
7.3. Approve Treasurer's Report for June
7.4. Approve Regular Bills for July
7.5. Approve High School Activity Bills for July
8. Board Forum/Information
8.1. Board Reports and Updates
9. Administrator's Report
9.1. Superintendent's Board Report
9.2. Director of Curriculum, Teaching, and Learning Board Report
10. Discussion Items
11. Board Action
11.1. Approve 21-22 Handbook for Little Arrows Preschool
11.2. Approve 21-22 Handbook for Pipestone Elementary
11.3. Approve 21-22 Middle School Handbook
11.4. Approve 21-22 High School Handbook
11.5. Approve 21-22 Activities Handbook
11.6. Approve Employee Handbook
11.7. Approve Heartland Colony Lease for 21-22
11.8. Resolution Approving School District No. 2689 Long-Term Facility Maintenance Ten Year Plan
11.9. Resolution Regarding Fund Balance Transfers - Fund Balance Transfer from Basic Skills Extended Time to General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance
11.10. Approve Demolition Bid for Brown and Hill Elementary Schools
12. Adjournment