January 6, 2020 at 7:00 PM - School Board Organizational Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
4. School Board Organization for 2020
4.1. Election of Officers for 2020
4.2. Establish Monthly Meetings
4.3. Authorize Treasurer to Pay Bills
4.4. Authorize Superintendent and Business Office to Perform Duties of the Treasurer
4.5. Authorize Superintendent's Administrative Assistant (District Clerk) to Sign Documents in Absence of Board Clerk
4.6. Resolution Directing Superintendent to Make Recommendations for Adjustments in Curriculum, Programs, and Staff for the Following School Year
4.7. Approve Ratwik, Roszak and Maloney as the Legal Firm for the School District
4.7.1. Authorize Superintendent and Board Chair, or Designee by Superintendent or Board Chair to Contact Legal Counsel
4.8. Establish Official Depositories
4.9. Establish Official Newspaper
4.10. Set School Board Salaries and Mileage
4.11. Authorize Superintendent to Contract for Goods and Services
4.12. Policy 213, School Board Committees
4.12.1. Standing Committee Assignments
4.13. Other Committee Assignments
4.13.1. Activities Advisory (1)
4.13.2. Community Education (1)
4.13.3. Worlds Best Workforce (1)
4.13.4. Legislative Liaison (1)
4.13.5. Community Library Liaison (1)
5. Adjourn