December 17, 2018 at 6:00 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
3.1. Additions
3.2. Deletions
4. Visitors
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Approve Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting of November 26, 2018
5.2. Approve Payment of Regular Bills
5.3. Approve Treasurer's Report for November
5.4. Approval of Gifts to the School
5.4.1. Christ the King Lutheran Church, Donation of $200.00 for the Wellness Room
5.4.2. Joseph Jochum, Donation of $100.00 in Memory of Doc Kennedy for Athletics
5.4.3. Gary & Pat Gillin, Donation of $20.00 in Memory of Beverly Mitchell for Elementary Student Lunch Balances
5.4.4. Gary & Pat Gillin, Donation of $20.00 in Memory of Gloria Shaffer for Elementary Student Lunch Balances
5.4.5. Pipestone County Medical Center, Donation of $908.00 to the Elementary Help Fund
5.4.6. Pipestone County Medical Center, Donation of $908.00 to the Wellness Center
5.5. Approve Contracts and/or Work Agreements
5.5.1. Reggie Gorter, Assistant Speech Coach
5.5.2. Lyle Dougherty, Night Custodian
5.5.3. Craig Boeddeker, Boys Golf Head Coach
5.5.4. Steve Rops, Girls Golf Head Coach
5.5.5. Evelyn Klein, SPED Teacher
5.5.6. Kelly Kracht, Paraprofessional
6. Administrative Reports and Information
6.1. Administration
6.1.1. Jacque Kennedy, Review of Budget Year-to-Date
6.1.2. Cory Strasser
6.1.3. Toni Baartman
6.1.4. Melany Wellnitz
6.2. School Board Members
6.3. Superintendent - Enrollment, Bond Referendum Planning
7. Old Business
8. New Business
8.1. Approval of the Audit Report and Journal Entries, Matt Taubert
8.2. Truth in Taxation
8.2.1. Discussion of Budget and Proposed Property Tax
8.2.2. Questions/Public Comment
8.3. Adopt Levy Limitation and Certification 2018 Payable 2019
8.4. Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Place for Multiple Precincts and Designating Hours During Which the Polling Place Will Remain Open for Voting for School District Elections Not Held on the Day of a Statewide Election
8.5. Resolution Relating to Determining the Necessity of Issuing General Obligation Bonds and Calling a Special Election Thereon
8.6. 2019-2020 Budget Parameters
9. Adjourn