November 26, 2018 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
3.1. Additions
3.2. Deletions
4. Visitors
4.1. Community Concerns
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Approve Minutes from the Regular Meeting of October 22, 2018
5.2. Approve Minutes from the Work Session Meeting of October 29, 2018
5.3. Approve Minutes from the Work Session Meeting of November 7, 2018
5.4. Approve Minutes from the Special Board Meeting of November 13, 2018
5.5. Approve Payment of Regular Monthly Bills
5.6. Approve Treasurer's Report for October 2018
5.7. Approve New Subs to the District
5.8. Approve New Contracts and/or Work Agreements
5.8.1. Steve Rops, 7th Grade Boys Basketball
5.8.2. Jay Johnson, 8th Grade Boys Basketball
5.8.3. Craig Boeddeker, 7th Grade Girls Basketball
5.8.4. Robert Petersen, 8th Grade Girls Basketball
5.8.5. Eric Moser, One Act
5.8.6. Kristin Zollner, Winter Cheerleading
5.8.7. Diane Scotting, Community Library Aide
5.9. Approval of Gifts to the District
5.9.1. Peace United Methodist Church, Donation of $565.00 for Student Lunch Accounts
5.9.2. Gary and Pat Gillin, Donation of $20.00 for Student Lunch Accounts in Memory of Bill Thies
5.9.3. Arrow Athletic Booster Club, Donation of $1,642.00 to Softball for Helmets and Bags
5.9.4. Arrow Athletic Booster Club, Donation of $347.20 for Motel Rooms for Golf Team in Waseca
5.9.5. Arrow Athletic Booster Club, Donation of $400.00 to Baseball for April Games at Augustana
5.9.6. Arrow Athletic Booster Club, Donation of $267.00 for Pitching Machine Motor for Baseball
5.10. Correspondence
5.10.1. Letter of Resignation from Dawn Halsne, Night Custodian
5.10.2. Letter of Resignation from Amy Carstensen, Paraprofessional
5.11. Approve Volunteers for Winter Sports
5.11.1. Carol Rudie, Kevin Kyle, Connor Wacker and Megan Snyder - Gymnastics
5.11.2. Troy Heidebrink - 8th Grade Boys Basketball
6. Administrative Reports and Information
6.1. Administration
6.1.1. Jacque Kennedy, Review of Budget Year-to-Date
6.1.2. Cory Strasser
6.1.3. Toni Baartman
6.1.4. Melany Wellnitz
6.2. School Board Members
6.3. Superintendent - Enrollment, MSBA Correspondence,Facility Progress, MSBA Annual Conference
7. Old Business
7.1. Second Reading of Policy 503 Student Attendance
7.2. Second Reading of the 2018-2019 Paraprofessional Seniority List
7.3. Second Reading of the 2018-2019 Secretary, Custodian, Tech and AP Seniority List
7.4. Second Reading of the 2018-2019 Teacher Seniority List
8. New Business
8.1. Approve Income Contract with Minnesota West Community & Technical College
8.2. Approve Summary of the 2017-2018 World's Best Workforce Report
8.3. 2019-2020 Budget Timeline
8.4. Approve Resolution Authorizing Entry Into Joint Powers Agreement in the Form of a Declaration of Trust Establishing the "MN Trust" and Authorizing Participation Therein
8.5. Approve Contract with ISG
9. Adjourn