November 27, 2017 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approval of Agenda
3.1. Additions
3.2. Deletions
4. Visitors
4.1. Community Concerns
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Approve Minutes from the Regular Meeting of October 23, 2017
5.2. Approve Minutes of the Special Meeting of November 16, 2017
5.3. Approve Payment of Regular Monthly Bills
5.4. Approve Treasurer's Report for October 2017
5.5. Approve New Subs to the District
5.6. Approve New Contracts and/or Work Agreements
5.6.1. Christina Gibson, Elementary Teacher Long-Term Sub
5.6.2. Katrina Hart, Special Education
5.6.3. Jake Velde, Girls Basketball Assistant Coach
5.6.4. Mandie Peterson, Paraprofessional
5.6.5. Kayla Hailey, Paraprofessioal
5.6.6. Sydney Coleman, Paraprofessional
5.6.7. Eric Moser, One Act
5.6.8. Jody Wacker, Speech Assistant
5.6.9. Laura Thode, Paraprofessional
5.7. Approval of 6th Assignment
5.7.1. Lisa VanDyke, DAPE, First Semester
5.8. Correspondence
5.8.1. Letter of Resignation from Allison VandeKieft, Special Education
5.8.2. Letter of Resignation from Elisabeth Bristlin, Paraprofessional
5.8.3. Letter of Resignation from Mary Gasper, Paraprofessional
5.8.4. Letter of Resignation from Jan Biever, Paraprofessional
5.9. Approval of Gifts to the District
5.9.1. Pipestone Jaycees, Donation of $1000.00 for Tennis Equipment
5.9.2. Pipestone Area Friends of the Library, Donation of $1310.13 to Meinders Library for Projector and PA System
5.9.3. Pipestone Elementary Booster Club, Donation of $431.25 for Staff Breakfast for In-Service
5.9.4. Pipestone County DFL, Donation of $50.00 to Meinders Library
5.10. Approve Winter Sports and Activities Volunteers
5.10.1. Lowell Lorenzen, Girls Basketball; Tony Koenders, Scena Dethlefs and Mike Hodgen - Robotics
6. Administrative Reports and Information
6.1. Administration
6.1.1. Jacque Kennedy, Review of Budget Year-to-Date
6.1.2. Cory Strasser
6.1.3. Toni Baartman
6.1.4. Melany Wellnitz
6.2. School Board Members
6.2.1. Negotiations Committee
6.3. Superintendent - Enrollment, ISG (Dec 12), Finance/Budget Committee
7. Old Business
7.1. Second Reading of Teacher Seniority List
7.2. Second Reading of Paraprofessional Seniority List
7.3. Second Reading of Secretaries, Custodians, Tech Assistant and AP Seniority List
7.4. Student School Board Application
8. New Business
8.1. Steve Beekman, Report on Pipestone Area Coalition
8.2. Approve Summary of 2016-2017 Worlds Best Workforce Report
8.3. Approve Master Agreement With Pipestone Area Education Association
8.4. 2018-2019 Budget Timeline
8.5. Operating Levy Recount
8.6. Election Judge Pay
9. Adjourn