June 26, 2017 at 5:30 PM - Regular School Board Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Approve Agenda
3.1. Additions
3.1.1. Commercial Insurance Renewal for 2017-2018 (8.13)
3.2. Deletions
3.2.1. 6th Assignment, JoAnn Alverson, Anatomy (5.9.1)
4. Visitors
4.1. Community Concerns
5. Consent Agenda
5.1. Approve Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting of May 22, 2017
5.2. Approve Minutes from the Special School Board Meeting of June 5, 2017
5.3. Approve Payment of Regular Monthly Bills
5.4. Approve Treasurer's Report for May 2017
5.5. Approve Resignation of Theresa Klumper, Paraprofessional and Sub Caller
5.6. Approve Letter of Resignation from Heidi Hodgen, MS Special Ed Teacher
5.7. Approval of Contracts and/or Work Agreements
5.7.1. Kristie Happeny, FACS Teacher
5.7.2. Lauren Olson, Senior High Language Arts
5.7.3. Christoph Sutherland, Summer Garden
5.7.4. Kim VanHoecke, Community Library Aide
5.7.5. Sally Whittle, Community Library Aide
5.7.6. Emily Blaeser, Children's Librarian
5.8. Approval of Lane Change
5.8.1. Samantha Bloemendaal, BA + 15
5.9. Approval of Sixth Assignments
5.9.1. JoAnn Alverson, Anatomy (Full Year) DELETION
5.9.2. Deb Anderson, Calculus (Full Year)
5.9.3. Brian Boomgaarden, Exploring Ag (Full Year)
5.9.4. Tucker Coil, Health 10 (1st Semester)
5.9.5. Heather Craig, Mass Communications (1st Semester)
5.9.6. Jamie Fenicle, Algebra 1 (Full Year)
5.9.7. Monica Kennedy, Clay 2 (2nd Semester)
5.9.8. Dawn Petersen, English 7, (Full Year)
5.9.9. Ed Smedsrud, School Store (Full Year)
5.9.10. Monica Sullivan, English 11 (Full Year)
5.9.11. Chad White, Phy-Ed 10, (2nd Semester)
5.9.12. Paul Young, Economics (Full Year)
6. Administrative Reports and Information
6.1. Administration
6.1.1. Jacque Kennedy, Review of Budget Year-to-Date
6.1.2. Cory Strasser
6.1.3. Toni Baartman
6.2. School Board Members - Superintendent Evaluation, Board Self Evaluation
6.3. Superintendent - New Teacher Mentorship Program, Tennis Courts, Land Sale, Lawn Mower, Sub Calling System
7. Old Business
7.1. Second Reading of Learning Readiness Handbook
8. New Business
8.1. Approve Contract for Debra Versteeg, Technology Integrationist for 2017-2018
8.2. Approve FY18 Budget
8.3. Approve Tennis Court Financing
8.4. Approval of 2017-2018 Literacy Plan
8.5. Approve Superintendent Kevin Enerson as the Identified Official with Authority to Authorize User Access to MDE Secure Websites for Pipestone Area Schools
8.6. Acceptance of Garbage and Recycling Proposal for 2017-2018
8.7. Approve Membership to MREA for 2017-2018
8.8. Approve Quote for New Suburban
8.9. First Reading of Crisis Management Plan
8.10. Approve Meulebroeck, Taubert & Co., PLLC to Provide Auditing Services to ISD 2689 for Year Ended June 30, 2017 and 2018
8.11. Approve Donation of $400.00 From Pipestone Friends of Scouting & Youth Inc., to Meinders Library
8.12. Approve Donation of $80.00 from Earl Gruis American Legion Post #534 for Band on Memorial Day
8.13. Commercial Insurance Renewal for 2017-2018 (ADDITION)
9. Adjourn