March 23, 2015 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
2.1. Additions
2.1.1. Letter of Resignation from Derek Alarie, ESL Teacher (4.4)
2.1.2. Approve Bernie Wieme, Volunteer Coach for Boys Tennis (6.11)
2.2. Deletions
3. Consent Agenda
3.1. Approve Amended Minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting of January 26, 2015
3.2. Approve Minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting of February 23, 2015
3.3. Approve Payment of Regular Bills
3.4. Approve Treasurer's Report for February
3.5. Review of Budget Year-to-Date
3.6. Other
4. Correspondence
4.1. Letter of Resignation from Kathleen Keller, Family and Consumer Science Teacher
4.2. Letter of Resignation from Nancy Vander Ziel, SPED Teacher
4.3. Letter of Resignation from Scott Rudie, Assistant Varsity Football Coach
4.4. Letter of Resignation from Derek Alarie, ESL Teacher (ADDITION)
4.5. Other
5. Visitors
5.1. Joe Morgan, Weighted Grading Scale
5.2. Community Concerns (3 Minute Limit)
6. New Business
6.1. Brian Boomgaarden, FFA State Convention
6.2. Approval of Contracts,Work Agreements, Extra Curricular Duties
6.2.1. Chad White, Phy-Ed Teacher
6.2.2. Clay Anderson, Head Football Coach
6.3. Approve SW/WC Service Cooperative Contracts for 2015-2016
6.3.1. Membership Agreement
6.3.2. Environmental/Occupational Health & Safety Management Program
6.3.3. Health & Safety Management Assistance Services
6.3.4. Regional Management Information Center
6.3.5. General Information Technology Services
6.3.6. TSIS Student System and COGNOS Data Warehouse Services
6.3.7. Special Education Services
6.3.8. Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Services
6.4. Approval of Gifts to the School
6.4.1. Fishback Financial, Donation of $1,000.00 to Meinder's Community Library
6.4.2. Pipestone Friends of Scouting & Youth, Inc, Donation of $250.00 to Meinder's Community Library
6.5. Approve Jamie Boelter and Shane Biever as Volunteer Baseball Coaches for 2015.
6.6. Approve Christine Flatebo as Volunteer Softball Coach for 2015
6.7. Superintendent Contract
6.8. Leave of Absence Request for Certified Staff Member
6.9. First Look at Capital Outlay Requests for 2015-2016
6.10. Monthly Enrollment
6.11. Approve Bernie Wieme, Volunteer Coach for Boys Tennis (ADDITION)
6.12. Other
7. Old Business
7.1. Approve Principal's Agreements
7.2. Other
8. Administrative Reports and Information
8.1. Administration
8.2. School Board Members
8.3. Superintendent
9. Adjournment