December 23, 2013 at 5:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call Meeting to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
2.1. Additions
2.1.1. Robotics Funding, Travis Dethlefs and Students (6.6)
2.2. Deletions
3. Consent Agenda
3.1. Approve Minutes from the Regular Board Meeting of November 25, 2013
3.2. Approve Payment of Regular Bills
3.3. Approve Treasurer's Report for November
3.4. Review of Budget Year-to-Date
3.5. Levy Limitation and Certification 2013 Payable 2014
3.6. Other
4. Correspondence
4.1. Letter of Resignation from Laurie Fruechte, Assistant Girls Tennis Coach
4.2. Other
5. Visitors
5.1. Community Concerns
6. New Business
6.1. Approval of Contracts and/or Work Agreements
6.1.1. Jody Wacker, Speech Assistant
6.1.2. Loretta Backlund, Food Service
6.1.3. Connie Crow, Food Service
6.1.4. Janine Aaland, Long Term Elementary Teacher Sub for a Leave of Absence
6.1.5. Dianne Prins, Long Term Elementary Teacher Sub for a Leave of Absence
6.2. Approval of Gifts to the School
6.2.1. Pipestone Friends of Scouting & Youth, Inc, Donation of $250.00 to Meinders Community Library
6.2.2. Sioux Valley Energy Customer Trust, Inc., Donation of $500.00 for GB Community Ed Camp Video Camera
6.3. First Reading of Secretaries, AV, AP, Custodians Seniority List
6.4. Approval of 6th Assignments
6.4.1. Adam Horejsi, Social Studies
6.4.2. Jamie Boelter, English
6.4.3. Amy Lorang, Language Arts
6.5. Senior Privileges
6.6. Robotics Funding, Travis Dethlefs and Students (ADDITION)
6.7. Monthly Enrollment
6.8. Other
7. Old Business
7.1. Second Reading of Paraprofessional Seniority List
7.2. Second Reading of Teachers Seniority List
7.3. Other
8. Administrative Reports and Information
8.1. Administration
8.2. School Board Members
8.3. Superintendent
9. Adjournment