April 23, 2012 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
2.1. Additions
2.1.1. (6.2.3 - Tanya Rudie, PLATO)
2.2. Deletions
2.2.1. (6.2.2, Jim Lentz, Superintendent Contract)
3. Consent Agenda
3.1. Approve Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting of March 26, 2012
3.2. Approve Payment of Regular Bills
3.3. Approve Treasurer's Report for March 2012
3.4. Review of Budget Year-to-Date
3.5. Other
4. Correspondence
4.1. Letter of Resignation from Christina Alderson, PLATO
4.2. Letter of Resignation from Leasa Kulm, Paraprofessional
4.3. Other
5. Visitors
5.1. Community Concerns
6. New Business
6.1. Approval of Gifts to the School
6.1.1. Harry and Lois Hansen, Donation of $100.00 for Girls Community Ed Basketball Camp
6.1.2. J & B Group, Donation of $1,000.00 for Scholarship for a Senior Graduate
6.1.3. Pipestone Youth Basketball Association, Donation of $750.00 for Community Ed Boys Basketball Camp
6.2. Approval of Work Agreements and/or Contracts
6.2.1. Nichole Hendrikson, Long Term Math Sub
6.2.2. Jim Lentz, Superintendent (Deletion)
6.2.3. Tanya Rudie, PLATO (Addition)
6.3. Approval of 2012-2013 Resolution for Membership in the Minnesota State High School League
6.4. 2012-2013 School Calendar
6.5. First Reading of Revised Academic Eligibility Policy
6.6. First Reading of Student Handbooks
6.7. Approval of Athletic & Activities Changes Concerning Physicals & Concussions
6.8. Approval of Appointed School Board Member, Marcy Pals
6.9. Approval of Summer Custodial Positions
6.10. Approval of Summer Technology Positions
6.11. Capital Outlay Requests for 2012-2013
6.12. Appointment of Federal Title Representative and Homeless Liaison - Don Plahn
6.13. Monthly Enrollment
6.14. Other
7. Old Business
7.1. Other
8. Administrative Reports and Information
8.1. Administration
8.2. School Board Members
8.3. Superintendent
9. Adjournment