March 26, 2012 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
2.1. Additions
2.1.1. Discussion on Open School Board Position (6.7)
2.2. Deletions
2.2.1. (6.1.6) Nichole Hendrikson, Long Term Math Sub
2.2.2. (6.3.5) Information Technology Services
3. Consent Agenda
3.1. Approve Minutes from the Regular School Board Meeting of February 27, 2012
3.2. Approve Payment of Regular Bills
3.3. Approve Treasurer's Report for February
3.4. Review of Budget Year-to-Date
3.5. Other
4. Correspondence
4.1. Letter of Resignation from Kris Ploeger, School Board Member
4.2. Other
5. Visitors
5.1. Chad Williamson, FFA State Convention
5.2. Dr. Richard Shrubb, MN West
5.3. Phone System for Elementary Schools, Josh Stukel
5.4. Community Concerns
6. New Business
6.1. Approval of Contracts, Work Agreements and/or Extra Curricular Duties
6.1.1. Todd Texley, Track Assistant
6.1.2. Mike York, Jr. High Track
6.1.3. Erin Gordon, Track Assistant
6.1.4. Jody Wacker, Speech Assistant
6.1.5. Josh Stukel, Golf Assistant
6.1.6. Nichole Hendrikson, Long Term Math Sub ( DELETED)
6.2. Approval of Gifts to the School
6.2.1. Arrow Athletic Booster Club, Donation of $723.47 for Camera, Accessories & J-Bands for Baseball
6.2.2. Arrow Athletic Booster Club, Donation of $365.00 for Camera for Softball
6.2.3. Arrow Athletic Booster Club, Donation of $835.00 for Padded Low Beam for Gymnastics
6.2.4. Arrow Athletic Booster Club, Donation of $480.00 for Cheerleading Outfits
6.2.5. Casey's General Stores, Donation of $100.00 for FIRST Robotics
6.2.6. Hanks Foods, Donation of $200.00 for FIRST Robotics
6.2.7. New Horizon Farms LLP, Donation of $100.00 for FIRST Robotics
6.2.8. Chris Loll Construction, Donation of $250.00 for FIRST Robotics
6.2.9. Wallace Christensen Broadcasting, Donation of $25.00 to FIRST Robotics
6.2.10. First Bank and Trust, Donation of $100.00 to FIRST Robotics
6.3. Approve SW/WC Service Cooperative Contracts for 2012-2013
6.3.1. Membership Agreement
6.3.2. Environmental/Occupational Health & Safety Management Program
6.3.3. Health & Safety Management Assistance
6.3.4. Regional Management Information Center
6.3.5. Information Technology Services (DELETED)
6.3.6. MOODLE Hosting Services
6.3.7. TSIS Student System and COGNOS Data Warehouse Services
6.3.8. Special Education Services
6.3.9. Distance Learning Programming
6.3.10. Curriculum, Assessment and Instruction Services
6.3.11. Behavior Analyst Services
6.4. Approval of Tech Plan
6.5. First Look at Capital Outlay Request for 2012-2013
6.6. Monthly Enrollment
6.7. Discussion on Open School Board Position (ADDITION)
6.8. Other
7. Old Business
7.1. Other
8. Administrative Reports and Information
8.1. Administration
8.2. School Board Members
8.3. Superintendent
9. Adjournment