February 7, 2011 at 5:00 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Meeting Called to Order
2. Approval of Agenda
2.1. Additions
2.2. Deletions
3. Consent Agenda
3.1. Approve Minutes From the Regular Board Meeting of December 20, 2010
3.2. Approve Minutes From the Organizational Board Meeting of January 3, 2011
3.3. Approve Payment of Regular Bills
3.4. Approve Treasurer's Report for December 2010
3.5. Review of Budget Year-to-Date
3.6. Other
4. Correspondence
4.1. Other
5. Visitors
5.1. Tami Taubert, Elementary Booster Club
5.2. Other
6. New Business
6.1. MSBA Leadership Conference Report
6.2. Approval to Declare Surplus on 78 Mercury Vapor and Metal Halide Type Fixtures
6.3. Approval of Contracts and/or Work Agreements
6.3.1. WiIliam Buhner, Paraprofessional
6.3.2. Hiedi Stoel, Paraprofessional/Sub Caller
6.4. Approval of Gifts and/or Donations
6.4.1. First Bank & Trust, Donation of $157.52 for Teachers Supply Closet
6.4.2. Downtown Hobby Shoppe, $300 Value of Fabric and Supplies for FACS
6.5. Monthly Enrollment
6.6. Other
7. Old Business
7.1. Second Reading of Secretaries, AV, AP and Custodians Senority List
8. Administrative Reports and Information
8.1. Administration
8.2. School Board Members
8.3. Superintendent
9. Adjournment