September 12, 2019 at 7:00 PM - Special Joint Meeting
Agenda |
1. Call to Order and Pledge of Allegiance
2. Presentation and discussion regarding proposed Stafford Municipal School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds and Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds.
3. Action and/or Discussion Items
3.A) City Council:
3.A)1. Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of Stafford Municipal School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds; setting certain parameters for the bonds; authorizing certain pricing officers to approve the amount, the interest rate, price, including the terms thereof and certain other procedures and provisions related thereto; and containing other matters related thereto;
3.A)2. Public comments on item
3.A)3. Consideration of appropriate action on item
3.B) SMSD Board of Trustees:
3.B)1. Consider adoption of an order levying taxes for the payment of principal of and interest on Stafford Municipal School District Unlimited Tax School Building Bonds; and containing other provisions relating to the subject;
3.B)2. Public comments on item
3.B)3. Consideration of appropriate action on item
3.C) City Council:
3.C)1. Consider adoption of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of Stafford Municipal School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds; setting certain parameters for the Bonds; authorizing certain pricing officers to approve the amount, the interest rate, price, including the terms thereof and certain other procedures and provisions related thereto; authorizing the redemption prior to maturity of certain outstanding bonds; and containing other matters related thereto;
3.C)2. Public comments on item
3.C)3. Consideration of appropriate action on item
3.D) SMSD Board of Trustees:
3.D)1. Consider adoption of an order levying taxes for the payment of principal of and interest on Stafford Municipal School District Unlimited Tax Refunding Bonds; and containing other provisions relating to the subject;
3.D)2. Public comments on item
3.D)3. Consideration of appropriate action on item
4. Discussion Items:
4.A) Discussion of reduction and ultimate elimination of LOE’s from Stafford Municipal School District as soon as practical, except for Magnet School students for which there shall be academic criteria;
4.B) Discussion of funding approaches and policies to elevate academics District wide;
4.C) Discussion of establishing programs and policies providing a comfortable and desirable setting for students of all races and cultures to substantially enhance the diversity of the composition of the District to comport with that of the City as much as practical;
4.D) Establishing a Health Care Program for Stafford Municipal School District teachers, retirees and staff, commensurate with the City’s Health Care Program;
4.E) Discussion of a process to amend the Stafford Municipal School District budget.
4.F) Public comments on items (a-e).
5. Adjournment