February 14, 2022 at 7:30 PM - Regular Board of Education Meeting
Agenda |
1. Open the Meeting, Recognition of Open Meetings Law and Publication of Meeting
2. Roll Call
3. Agenda and Minutes
4. Welcome Guests
5. Bill Roster and Financial Reports
6. Reports
6.1. Boone Central Recognitions
6.2. Continuous School Improvement
6.3. Board Reports
6.4. Superintendent Report
6.5. Principal & AD Reports
7. Discussion of Action Agenda Items
8. Public Comment
9. Action Items
9.1. 2022-23 Master Calendar
9.2. Early Resignation Request - Sarah Bird
9.3. 2021-22 4th Quarter Teaching Contract - Lisa Carder
9.4. Petersburg Industrial Development Corporation Purchase Agreement Addendum and Closing
9.5. Server Replacement
9.6. Director of Continuous Improvement and Professional Learning Contract - Ethan Larsen
9.7. Family & Consumer Science/FCCLA Contract - Leann Aldana
10. Next Meeting Date
11. Questions by the Media
12. Adjournment