June 22, 2020 at 6:00 PM - Regular Meeting - Live Streaming www.youtube.com/comstockps/live
Agenda |
1. Call Regular Meeting to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Recognitions
3.A. Comstock Celebrations
4. Presentations
5. Changes to Agenda
6. Approval of Agenda - (Action - Roll Call)
7. Call to the Audience
8. Consent Agenda (Action - (Roll Call)
8.A. Approve Minutes of the June 8, 2020 Regular (Virtual) Meeting
8.B. Approval of Disbursement of General Funds and Bills Payable for April 2020
9. Communications
9.A. Superintendent's Update
9.B. May Financial Report
Ms. Michelle Darnell, Director of Finance
Ms. Darnell will review the Board's May financial report.
9.C. Committee Reports
9.C.a. Facilities Committee - Chairperson Saralyn Brown
9.C.b. Finance Committee - Chairperson Paul Lamphear
9.C.c. Policy Committee - Chairperson Matt Schreiner
9.D. Board Member Comments
10. Regular Agenda ~ Discussion and/or Action Items
10.A. Dissolve Agreement with NEOLA and Move to Thrun Policy Services (Action - Roll Call)
Superintendent Thoenes
The Superintendent recommends the Board approve Thrun Law as our Board policy provider. This will ensure that the creation and revision of district policies and administrative guidelines align with the legal advice and expertise of the Board's law firm. Additionally, Thrun Law takes a more active role in posting the policies on the district's website allowing the updating process to proceed in an efficient and more responsive manner. The Policy Committee reviewed information provided by Thrun Law on the policy services they provide and supports the Superintendent in bringing it to the Board for consideration.The Board will be asked to approve the change at the June 22, 2020, regular board meeting.
10.B. Final Budget Amendment for 2019-2020 - (Action - Roll Call)
Ms. Michelle Darnell, Director of Finance
It is the recommended the Board approve the final budget amendment for the 2019-2020 school year.
10.C. Preliminary Budget for 2020-2021 - (Action - Roll Call)
Ms. Michelle Darnell, Director of Finance
It is recommended the preliminary budget for the 2020-2021 school year is adopted as presented at the public budget hearing prior to the regular meeting.
10.D. State Aid Note Resolution - (Action - Roll Call)
Ms. Michelle Darnell, Director of Finance
The State Aid Note is an annual short-term borrowing for school districts who experience a cash flow shortage during the fiscal year due to the timing of revenues received, expenses paid out, and/or the absence of State Aid revenue in September. This note must be repaid within 12 months.
10.E. Resolution in Support of the Kalamazoo RESA 202-2021 Budget - (Action - Roll Call)
Superintendent Thoenes
At the May 26, 2020 meeting of the Board, the Board expressed disapproval of the KRESA General Fund Budget due to a proposed 2% increase in salaries. Since that time, the KRESA Administration has reversed course and will not be offering the increase. Given that this issue was our Board's only objection to the KRESA budget, The superintendent recommends the Board reconsider its previous disapproval and vote to support KRESA's budget.
10.F. Revised Policy #7250 - Commemoration and Naming of School Facilities for First Reading (Action - Roll Call)
Superintendent Thoenes
The Policy Committee reviewed the policy and supports the recommendation of the superintendent to make the changes.
10.G. CHS Fire Alarm Bids - (Action - Roll Call)
Superintendent Thoenes
The Facilities Committee met and reviewed the bids and is in support of the Superintendent's recommendation to award the bid for the high school fire alarm system to Feyen Zylstra.
10.H. Comstock Middle School Carpet Bid - (Action - Roll Call)
Superintendent Thoenes
Bids were accepted for the installation of carpet at Comstock Middle School and reviewed by the Facilities Committee. It is the recommendation of the Superintendent to award the bid to Battle Creek Tile and Mosaic Company.
10.I. Repair of STEM Academy Library Parapet - (Action - Roll Call)
Superintendent Thoenes
After review of the project and the bids by the Facilities Subcommittee, Superintendent Thoenes recommends approval of Ostrander Roofing for the repair of the STEM Academy library parapet
“After review of the project and the bids by the Facilities Subcommittee, Superintendent Thoenes recommends approval of Ostrander Roofing for the repair of the STEM Academy library parapet.”
“After review of the project and the bids by the Facilities Subcommittee, Superintendent Thoenes recommends approval of Ostrander Roofing for the repair of the STEM Academy library parapet.” |
10.J. Ratify Superintendent Thoenes' 2020-2023 Contract - (Action - Roll Call)
President Dickinson
11. Adjournment