November 27, 2017 at 6:30 PM - Work Session
Agenda |
1. Call to Order ~ POL 0164.1
2. Roll Call
Dean___ Brown___ Christian___ Nichols___ Souder___ Baker___ Combs____ |
3. Pledge of Allegiance
4. Approve the Agenda ~ POL 0166
Motion by ________________________________ Supported by _____________________________ VOTE: __________ MOTION: __________ |
5. Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting - 11/13/2017 Regular Meeting
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ VOTE:___________ MOTION:______________
6. Approve the Consent Agenda ~ POL 0166.1, BOP 1.1.3
Motion by ________________________________ Supported by _____________________________ VOTE: __________ MOTION: __________ |
6.A. Recommendation to Hire
6.B. Check Register
7. Citizen's Request to Address the Board of Education ~ POL 0167.3, BOP 1.3.2
8. Reports
8.A. Superintendent Report
8.B. Policy Report
8.C. Finance Report
8.D. GMB Presentation - Brad Hemmes
9. Discussion ~ BOP 1.3.6
9.A. Band Trip - Christy O'Toole
9.B. Washington DC trip - Jennifer Williams
9.C. Policy Update
9.D. Resolution - Opposition to Senate Bills 584-586 and 366
9.E. Houghton Lake Food Services purchases - Quote
10. Citizen's Second Request to Address the Board of Education ~ POL 0167.3, BOP 1.3.2
11. Action Items ~POL 0167.1, BOP 1.4
11.A. Motion to approve Band Trip as presented.
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ VOTE:__________ MOTION:__________ |
11.B. Motion to approve Washington DC Trip as presented.
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ VOTE: __________ MOTION: __________ |
11.C. Motion to approve Policy Updates as presented.
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ VOTE: __________ MOTION: __________ |
11.D. Motion to approve the Resolution for Opposition of Senate Bills 584-586 and 366 as presented.
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ ROLL CALL VOTE: Christian____ Souder____Baker____Nichols____Dean____Combs____ Brown____ |
11.E. Motion to approve quote for Houghton Lake Food Services purchases as presented.
Motion by ______________________________ Supported by ___________________________ VOTE: __________ MOTION: __________ |
12. Board Opportunity to Make a Comment/Statement ~ POL 0143.1
13. Correspondence
14. Adjourn