June 9, 2014 at 6:30 PM - Regular Meeting
Agenda |
1. CALL REGULAR MEETING TO ORDER - 6:30 PM - Pledge of Allegiance
2. Approve Minutes from Previous Meeting - May 12, 2014 and May 27, 2014
3. Approve Consent Agenda
Hire: Amy Peterson - Collins Elementary Principal
Resignation: Renee Casperson - Middle School 5th Grade Teacher Check Registers: May 2014 General Fund and Food Service
4. Citizen's Request to Address the Board of Education
5. Superintendent's Report
* 2013-2014 Retiree Recognition
* Update on Wednesday's Professional Staff Sessions: Middle School, High School, Alternative Education, Collins Elementary * Sue Bartos - Allen Brothers Law Firm
6. Building Spotlight: Middle School
7. Strategic Plan Update
8. Safe Schools/Healthy Students Update
9. Discussion Items
9.A. MHSAA 2014 - 2015 Membership Resolution
9.B. PESG 3-Party Substitute Contracting Agreement
9.C. Resolution to Separate from COOR ISD
9.D. 2014-2015 Form L-4029
9.E. Odysseyware
9.F. Expanded Report on Early Release Wednesday Program
10. Citizen's Second Request to Address the Board - *pertaining only to the agenda items listed above*
11. Board Opportunity to Make a Comment/Statement
12. Action Items
12.A. Action - Approve MHSAA 2014-2015 Membership Resolution
12.B. Action - Approve PESG 3-Party Substitute Contracting Agreement
12.C. Action - Approve the Resolution to Separate from COOR ISD
12.D. Action - Approve the 2014-2015 Form L-4029
12.E. Action - Approve a 3 Year Agreement with Odysseyware
13. Work Session
13.A. Superintendent Evaluation Results (Possible Closed Session)
13.B. Superintendent Smart Goals Update (Possible Closed Session)
13.C. Negotiation Strategies (Closed Session)
14. Correspondence
15. Adjourn