November 8, 2010 at 7:00 PM - Regular
Agenda |
I. Meeting Called to Order
II. Roll Call of Members
III. Approval of Agenda
III.A. As is...
III.B. With Additions...
IV. Public Sector
V. Student Recognition
VI. Administrative Reports
VI.A. Barbara Gowell - Superintendent's Report
VI.B. Linda Steigenga, Mason/Lake/Oceana ISD
VI.C. Krista Dornfried - Hart Main Street Program
VI.D. Michelle Mattson - Summer Migrant Program Update
VI.E. Jodi Munoz - Head Start Update
VII. Board Committee Reports
VII.A. Personnel Committee - Nick Wadel
VII.B. Facilities Committee - Jeff Gebhart
VII.C. Community Relations Committee - Judee Wilson
VIII. Consent Agenda
VIII.A. Approval of Minutes
VIII.A.1. Special Meeting and Executive Sessions (2) of October 11, 2010
VIII.A.2. Regular Meeting and Executive Session of October 11, 2010
VIII.B. Payment of Bills
VIII.B.1. Business Manager's Report
VIII.B.2. Bills
IX. Action Items
IX.A. Approval of Candidates to Interview for Superintendent's Position
IX.B. New Hires
IX.B.1. Head Start Facilitator - Kathleen Myer
IX.B.2. MS Special Education Teacher - Jennifer (Heinz) Gasco
IX.C. Naming of the Early Childhood Center
IX.D. Early Childhood Center Dedication Plaque
IX.E. Extension of ECC Director's Contract
IX.F. Snow Plowing Bids
X. Public Sector
XI. Adjourn