April 14, 2010 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
3. Public Comments.
4. Superintendent, Principal and Directors Reports.
4.A. Elementary Principal's Report on Student Numbers, Activities, and Summer School Plans.
4.B. Secondary Principal's Report on Student Numbers, School Activities, and Summer School Plans.
4.C. Athletic Director's Report on Record of Each Sport and Upcoming Athletic Activities.
4.D. Business Manager's Report on Status of Fund Balances and Other Budget Considerations.
4.E. Superintendent's Report on the Summer Professional Development, Tiger Roundup and Current Transfers.
5. Consider Approval of Consent Agenda.
5.A. Minutes of the Regular Meeting held on March 24 2010
5.B. Financial Reports
5.C. Donations
6. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Quarterly Investment Report.
7. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve an Overnight Request for a Golf Qualifier for Golf Regionals in Brenham.
8. Discussion and Possible Action to Employ the Design Team for Future Construction.
9. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the 2010-2011 School Calendar.
10. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the 2010-2011 District Goals and Priorities.
11. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Teacher Retention and Recruitment Plan.
12. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Adding Local Credits to the Graduation Plans.
13. Discussion and Possible Action to Increase the Amount of Funds Available to Students from the Thrall Community Scholarship.
14. Consider Approval of SHAC Constitution to Reflect a Change in the Voting.
15. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve a Dollar Amount for Improvements to the Campuses.
16. Closed Session: Personnel Under the Authority of Texas Open Meetings Act Section 551.074: Resignations of Contract Employees, Employment of Contract Employees.
17. Discussion and Possible Action Regarding: Resignations of Contract Employees, Employment of Contract Employees.
18. Adjourn.