October 14, 2009 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order-Regular Meeting, October 14, 2009.
Mr. Hall
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
Mr. Hall
3. Recognition and Award to Thrall Elementary as an Exemplary Campus in 2009 and Thrall Middle School for a Recognized Campus in 2009.
Mr. Hall and Mr. Davis
4. Introduction of Teachers New to Thrall ISD for 2009-2010.
Mr. Rogers
5. Public Comment.
6. Approval of Board Minutes of September 9, 2009 Regular Meeting.
7. Administration, Principal and Directors Reports.
7.A. Elementary Principal's Report on School Activities and Student Attendance.
7.B. Secondary Principal's Report on School Activities and Implementation of the Thrall Curriculum.
7.C. Technology Director's Report on Upgrades Made to the Technology in the Classrooms and Report on the Upgrade of the District Web Site.
7.D. Athletic Director's Report on Past and Future Athletic Activities.
7.E. Superintendent's Report on Moving the Harvest Festival to the Spring and Setting a New Date for the Activity.
8. Open Public Hearing to Discuss School FIRST Report (School FIRST is a rating system used by the Texas Education Agency for the financial accountability of all public school districts in Texas).
8.A. Overview of School FIRST Report
8.B. Presentation of Thrall ISD's School FIRST Report
8.C. Board and Administration will address questions and
comments from the public concerning the School FIRST Report.
9. Information Regarding the Use of the Title 14 Funds.
Ms. Fox
10. Consider Approval of the Financial Reports, Budget Amendments, and Donations.
11. Consider Approval of the Quarterly Investment Report.
12. Discussion and Possible Action to Allocate Funds for Payment to TAMU for the Purchase of Land.
Mr. Davis
13. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Renewal of the TASB Property/Casualty Policy.
14. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Final Pay Application from Navcon for High School Renovation.
15. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Use of Waivers for Missed Instructional Days Due to Low Attendance.
Mr. Davis
16. Discussion and Possible Action to Seek an Attendance Waiver for December 10, 2009 in Order to Make the Campuses Available for the Elementary and Middle School UIL Academic Meet.
17. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Purchase of New Copier for Elementary Campus.
18. Workshop to Discuss the Plans for Ongoing Facilities Plans and the Establishment of a Facilities Committee.
19. Closed Session Pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, the Open Meetings Act, for the Purpose of Considering the Appointment, Employment, and Evaluation of the Superintendent.
20. Discussion and Possible Action: Employee Resignations; Employment of Personnel; Employment of Contract Personnel.
21. Adjourn