October 15, 2008 at 6:30 PM - Regular
Agenda |
1. Call to Order-Regular Meeting, October 15, 2008.
2. Pledge of Allegiance and Invocation.
3. Public Input.
4. Approval of Board Minutes of September 10,2008 Regular Meeting.
5. Administration, Principal and Directors Reports.
6. Tour of Secondary Campus.
7. Open Public Hearing to Discuss School FIRST Report (School FIRST is a rating system used by the Texas Education Agency for the financial accountability of all public school districts in Texas).
7.A. Overview of School FIRST Report
7.B. Presentation of Thrall ISD's School FIRST Report
7.C. Board and Administration will address questions and
comments from the public concerning the School FIRST Report.
8. Approve Financial Reports and Donations.
9. Approve Quarterly Investment Report.
10. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Renewal of the TASB Property/Casualty Policy.
11. Approve the Textbook Committee for 2008-2009.
12. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve the Overnight Trip for the Band.
13. Discussion and Possible Action to Approve Changes in Donations to the Thrall Scholarship Fund.
14. Discussion-Facilities
15. Closed Session:
15.A. As Permitted by Government Code 551.076 Deliberation Regarding Security Devices or Security Audits
15.B. As Permitted by Government Code 551.074 Personnel Matters
16. Discussion and Possible Action:
16.A. Safety Audit Report- No Action
16.B. Employment of Teaching Personnel, Resignations of Teaching Personnel.
17. Adjourn